Friday, 16 January 2015


This is one of the nicest e-mails I have ever seen !!
I dreamed that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me around. We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels. My angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said, 'This is the Receiving Section. Here, all petitions to God said in prayer are received.

I looked around in this area, and it was terribly busy with so many angels sorting out petitions written on voluminous paper sheets and scraps from people all over the world.
Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the second section.
The angel then said to me, "This is the Packaging and Delivery Section. Here, the graces and blessings the people asked for are processed and delivered to the living persons who asked for them." I noticed again how busy it was there. There were many angels working hard at that station, since so many blessings had been requested and were being packaged
for delivery to Earth.
Finally at the farthest end of the long corridor we stopped at the door of a very small station. To my great surprise, only one angel was seated there, idly doing nothing. "This is the Acknowledgment Section, my angel friend quietly admitted to me. He seemed embarrassed.
"How is it that there is no work going on here? I asked."
"So sad," the angel sighed. "After people receive the blessings that they asked for, very few send back acknowledgments."
"How does one acknowledge God's blessings? "I asked.
"Simple," the angel answered. Just say, "Thank you, Lord."
"What blessings should they acknowledge?" I asked.
"If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this world.
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy, and if you get this on your own computer, you are part of the 1% in the world who has that opportunity."
"If you woke up this morning with more health than illness.. You are more blessed than the many who will not even survive this day."
"If you have never experienced the fear in battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation... You are ahead of 700 million people in the world."
"If you can attend a church without the fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death you are envied by, and more blessed than, three billion people in the world."
"If your parents are still alive and still married.... you are very rare."
"If you can hold your head up and smile, you are not the norm, you're unique to all those in doubt and despair......."
"Ok," I said. "What now? How can I start?"
The Angel said, "If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you as very special and you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world who cannot read at all."

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Characteristics of Love

I Corinthians 13:4-7

* It suffers long and is kind
* Does not envy
* Does not parade itself
* Not puffed up
* Does not behave rudely
* Does not seek his own
* Does not rejoice in lies but rejoices in the truth
* It does not provoked
* It bears all things
* It believes all things

The greatest commandment in the bible is LOVE..
All other commandments 613 will come under one word called "LOVE";
If u truly love the Lord with all your heart its equal to the obeying the other commandments
 Dont show off your Love to Jesus by acting in church,Acting like christian...
Activate your love by helping the needy,spreading his love to to the world...
Show your Love in words and actions by comforting the broken hearten people,forgiving the sinners, forgiving the betrayed people,respecting others ...
This is how you are showing towards him...
 In Mark 12:31

AND YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH.' "The second is this, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' There is no other commandment greater than these." The scribe said to Him, "Right, Teacher; You have truly stated that HE IS ONE, AND THERE IS NO ONE ELSE BESIDES HIM;

Sixteen Characteristics of Love

The four verses (1 Corinthians 13:4–7) start with ‘love is patient’. So I substituted my own name and started with
“Joan is patient”.  And stopped there because it is a negative quality with me which I need to work at 
Let us go through all 16 characteristics of Love using our name and develop this virtue to the utmost 
God is love. We deceive ourselves if we think we can love God and hate other people (1 John 4:20). Love should be number one on your spiritual priority list. It should be the main thing in your life. It is, in the words of St Paul, ‘the most excellent way’ (1 Corinthians 12:31).
The description of love in 1 Corinthians 13 is one of the most beautiful and best-known passages in the entire New Testament. Many non-churchgoers would recognise it as the Bible passage that is often read at weddings. Paul places it in the middle of his teaching about the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ.
Love is patient, 
love is kind. 
Love does not envy, 
Love does not boast, 
Love is not proud. 
Love does not dishonor others, 
Love is not self-seeking, 
Love is not easily angered, 
Love keeps no record of wrongs. 
Love does not delight in evil 
but rejoices with the truth. 
Love always protects, 
Love always trusts, 
Love always hopes, 
Love always perseveres.
Love never fails. 

Let us go through the list stopping where we fail. Then work at that character and return to complete all 16 characteristics of Love


Saturday, 3 January 2015

Humanization-upgrade it!!

A Lady asks: "How much do you sell your eggs for?"The old vendor replies "0.50 ¢ an egg, madam" .The Lady says, I'll take 6 eggs for $2.50 or I'm leaving.  The old salesman replies  Buy them at the price you want, Madam. This is a good start for me because I haven't sold a single egg today and I need this to live.  She bought her eggs at a bargain price and left with the feeling that she had won.  She got into her fancy car and went to a fancy restaurant with her friend.  She and her friend ordered what they wanted. They ate a little and left a lot of what they had asked for.  So they paid the bill, which was $150. The ladies gave $200 and told the fancy restaurant owner to keep the change as a tip...
This story might seem quite normal to the owner of the fancy restaurant, but very unfair to the egg seller...
The question it raises is:
Why do we always need to show that we have power when we buy from the needy? 
And why are we generous to those who don't even need our generosity?
 I once read this somewhere ,that a father used to buy goods from poor people at high prices, even though he didn't need the things. Sometimes he paid more for them. I was amazed. One day I asked him "why are you doing this dad?" Then my father replied: "It's charity wrapped in dignity, son."

Then this message of attempted "humanisation" will have gone one step further... in the right direction...


🀩 Happiness 🎈

  A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The teacher then mix...