Showing posts with label Faith confession. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith confession. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Trust your timings


An elephant and a dog became pregnant at the same time. Three months down the line, the dog gave birth to six puppies. Six months later, the dog was pregnant again, and nine months on it gave birth to another dozen puppies. The pattern continued.

On the eighteenth month the dog approached the elephant questioning, "Are you sure that you are pregnant? We became pregnant on the same date. I have given birth three times to a dozen puppies and they are now grown to become big dogs, yet you are still pregnant. What's going on?"

The elephant replied, "There is something I want you to understand. What I am carrying is not a puppy but an elephant. I only give birth to one in two years. When my baby hits the ground, the earth feels it. When my baby crosses the road, human beings stop and watch in admiration, what I carry draws attention. So what I'm carrying is mighty and great."

Don't lose faith when you see others receive answers to their prayers in what seems like record time.

Don't be envious of others' testimony. If you haven't received your own blessings, don't despair. Say to yourself "My time is coming, and when it hits the surface of the earth, people shall yield in admiration."

Do not compare your journey to anyone else’s

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Tuesday, 29 October 2019


*The  Bible says:-*

1.  *Be silent In the heat of anger - (Prov 14:17)*

2.  *Be silent When you don't have all the facts*  *- (Prov 18:13)*

3.  *Be silent when you*
     *haven't verified the story- (Deut 17:6)*

4.  *Be silent If your words will offend a weaker  person - (1 Cor 8:11)*

5.  *Be silent When it is time  to listen - (Prov 13:1)*

6. *Be silent When you are tempted to make light of holy things - (Eccl 5:2)*

7.  *Be silent when you* *are tempted to joke about sin - (Prov 14:9)*

8.  *Be silent If you would be ashamed of your words later - (Prov 8:8)*

9.  *Be silent If your words would convey the wrong  impression - (Prov 17:27)*

10. *Be silent If the issue is none of your business - (Prov 14:10)*

11. *Be silent when you* *are tempted to tell an*
 *outright lie - (Prov 4:24)*

12. *Be silent If your words will damage someone else's reputation - (Pro 16:27)*

13. *Be silent If your words will damage a friendship - (Prov 16:28)*

14. *Be silent When you are feeling critical - (James 3:9)*

15. *Be silent If you can't say it without screaming it - (Prov 25:28)*

16. *Be silent If your words will be a poor reflection of the Lord or your friends and family - (1 Pt 2:21-23)*

17. *Be silent If you may* 
       *have to eat your words later - (Prov 18:21)*

 18. *Be silent If you have*already said it more than one time - (Prov 19:13)*

19. *Be silent when you* *are tempted to flatter a*
*wicked person - (Prov 24:24)*

20. *Be silent When you are supposed to be working instead  - (Prov 14:23)*


Friday, 2 August 2019


I went to an Electrician and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD..πŸ’‘πŸ˜Š πŸ™Œ

I went to a Hunter and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied he's the LION OF JUDAHπŸ‘‘πŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to a Baker and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the BREAD OF LIFE.πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Doctor and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the GREAT PHYSICIAN πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Plumber and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the LIVING WATER πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Farmer and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the TRUE WINE πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Builder and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the CORNERSTONE, FOUNDATIONπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Gardener and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the LILLY OF THE VALLEY, ROSE OF SHARON πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Fisherman and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the FISHER OF MEN πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the prison and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the PRISON BREAKER πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Miner and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the MOST PRECIOUS STONE πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Pharmacist  and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the HEALING OINTMENT  πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Publisher and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the giver of GOOD NEWS  πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Shepherd  and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the SHEPHERD OF MY SOUL  πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―
I went to a KING and asked him 
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the KING of KINGS....πŸ‘‘πŸ’ͺ😊

The person I didn't meet yet is you. But now that I have meet you and you have read this post let me ask you😊

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Victory belongs to Lord


Are you in a fear 😱, how the day is going to be??? Or How u gonna face the day and solve the problems?? Or How u gonna face your higher authority?? etc whatsoever....

  Don't fear, when Jesus is near you. As the scripture says, "The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” Exodus 14:14.
Amazing Biblical truth that is very encouraging πŸ™πŸ½

When *GOD* created the *fish,* 
*HE* spoke to the *sea,* 

when *GOD* created *trees,* 
*HE* spoke to the *earth,* 

but when *GOD* created *Man,* *HE spoke to Himself.*
*_Then GOD said, “Let US make Man in Our image, according to Our likeness._*

If you Take a *fish* out of the *water*, it will *die* and when you take a *tree* off the *earth,* it will also *die*. Similarly, when *Man* is *disconnected* from *GOD,* he *dies.*

*GOD* is our *natural environment.* We are created to *live in HIS presence.* *We must be connected to HIM because only in HIM there is Life.*


*GOD without Man is still GOD but Man without GOD is Nothing*.

Today keep believing this verse and ask Jesus to fulfill it in ur doings, surely you will see all your problems getting solved. Fear will flee away from you and hope in Jesus will strengthen you and you will have complete peace in your heart. But be faithful in Jesus and truthful in ur doings. Have a peaceful day ahead 😊

  Jesus be with you and Bless you πŸ’



Thursday, 18 June 2015

Stay connected to God

I love this analogy

When *GOD* wanted to create the fish, *HE* spoke to the sea, 
when *GOD* wanted to create the trees, *HE* spoke to the earth,
but when *GOD* wanted to create Man, *HE* spoke to Himself.
Then *GOD* said, “Let *US* make Man in Our image, according to Our likeness.

If you Take a fish out of the water, it will die and 
when you take a tree off the ground, it will also die. 
Similarly, when Man is disconnected from *GOD*, he dies.

*GOD* is our natural environment. We were created to live in *HIS* presence. We must be connected to *HIM* because only in *HIM* there is Life.


The Lord is my programmer and I shall not crash.
He installed His software on the hard disk of my heart.
All of His commands are user friendly.
His Directory guides me to the right choices for His name's sake.
Even though I scroll through the problems of life, I will fear no bugs, for He is my backup.
His password protects me.
He prepares a menu before me in the presence of my enemies.
His help is only a keystroke away.
Surely goodness and mercy will follow me, all the days of my life.
And my file will be merged with His and SAVED FORE EVER!

You Alone need for my whole life Master..
Love you so much JESUS..


🀩 Happiness 🎈

  A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The teacher then mix...