Showing posts with label Wedding gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wedding gift. Show all posts

Friday, 21 June 2024

πŸ’‘ Stages of Marriage πŸ‘«


1. THE AMAZEMENT STAGE: This is the "wow" stage. Lots of new things to discover with your spouse. The newness, the freshness is so amazing. Sleeping on the same bed, wearing the same attire, cooking for him, doing house chores with her, bathing together. Wearing your dazzling wedding ring everywhere, turning people's head at the newest couple around. Loads and lots of fun. Sexual exploration and excitement. Being in control of your kitchen, feeding him and lots more. It's the honeymoon stage and it's so so beautiful.

2. THE IRRITATION STAGE: This is when you begin to notice weaknesses you have overlooked or blissfully wish they go away but didn't. The repetition of such weaknesses begins to work on your nerves and you are getting irritated: he snores a lot, she is slow in the kitchen, she belches loudly, he screams unnecessarily, she won't bathe before coming to bed or shave, he spends many hours watching football and ignores you when you talk. "What's just wrong with this guy?" You think aloud, well it's part of marriage.

3. THE ANGER STAGE: This is when the repetition of such weaknesses gets on your nerves and you display your anger. The introverted partners stuffs it in and either keep malice, avoid you or stubbornly continue with the irritating habit. It's the stage you begin to wonder: "have I really married the wrong guy?" "Have I married the wrong woman?" No, you did not, you are simply going through a phase together.

4. THE RESOLUTION STAGE: When you both begin to face the reality of marriage and acknowledge your partner's weaknesses. You eventually realize anger and malice does not solve any problem and begins to find ways to deal with your differences, both of you begin to compromise here and there and adjust to each other.

5. THE ACCEPTANCE STAGE: When it dawned on you that some things are just part of your partner and may never change. You resigned from anger, abuse and quarrel and choose to accept them, lovingly adjust to them and enjoy them regardless of their weaknesses.

6. THE RESTFUL STAGE:This is the stage you permanently accept them with all their strengths, weaknesses, short comings and flaws and love them unconditionally regardless of what they do. This is real love -agape, divine and true. You reconnect emotionally, spiritually and physically at a deeper level and enjoy honey moon again while building a lasting marriage regardless of the challenges you face.

There is no perfect marriage. Every marriage goes through this stages. How you handle it will determine if you will come out bitter or better.

You don't have to abuse your spouse or keep malice if God is at the centre of your home and you obey the word of God daily.

Nevertheless, do not be disappointed if you go through the unpleasant stages in marriage. It is a phase and will surely end.

Handle your marriage with wisdom and keep loving regardless of the challenges you face. That is what will make your marriage a heaven on earth experience. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, 5 November 2016


She married him today. At the end of the wedding
party, her mother gave her a newly opened bank
savings passbook, with $1000 deposited in it. 

She told her, "My dear daughter, take this passbook. Keep it as a record of your married life. Whenever something
happy and memorable happens in your new life, put
some money in. Write down what it's about next to the
amount. The more memorable the event is, the more money you can put in. I've done the first one for you today. Do the others with your husband. When you look back after many years, you will know how much happiness you've both shared.' 

She shared this with
him after getting home. Both of them thought it was a
great idea and couldn't wait to make the next deposit!
This is what the passbook looked like after a while: - 
7Feb: $100, his first birthday celebration after marriage 
1 Mar: $300, she gets a salary raise 
20 Mar: $200, vacation 
15 Apr: $2000, She's pregnant! 
1 Jun: $1000, He gets the big promotion and so on...

However, as the years went by, they began fighting
and arguing over trivial things. They didn't talk much.

They regretted that they had married the most nasty
person in the world. There was no more love. 

One day she talked to her Mother. 'Mom, we can't stand it anymore. We have decided to divorce. I can't imagine how I decided to marry this guy!' 

Her mother replied, 'Sure, that's no big deal. Just do whatever you want, if
you really can't stand it. 

But before that, do one thing remember the savings passbook I gave you on your
wedding day? Take out all money and spend it first.
You shouldn't keep any record of such a poor

She agreed with her mother. So she went to the bank, and was waiting in the queue to cancel the account. 

While she was waiting, she took a look at the passbook record. She looked, and looked, and looked. Then the memory of all the previous joyful moments came back to her. Her eyes were filled with tears. 

She left and went home. When she got home, she handed the passbook to her hubby and asked him to spend the money before getting divorced. 

So the next day, he went to the bank, and was waiting in the queue to cancel the account. While he was waiting, he took a look at the passbook record. He looked, and looked, and looked. Then the memory of all the previous joyful moments came back to him. His eyes were filled with tears. 

He left and went home. He gave the passbook back to her. She found a new deposit of $5000. And a line next to the record: 'This is the day I realized how much I've loved you throughout all these years. How much happiness you've brought me.' They hugged and cried, putting the passbook back into the safe.

Marriage is not a game, it's not easy but it's beautiful. You will fight and argue, this is normal, because the both of you came from different
background, different homes and you both were raised by
different parents, beliefs and moral. So you cannot expect that everything you say will be accepted by your spouse without their opinion being tendered first. So before you give up, think back to the good times and to what brought you together in the first place.

🀩 Happiness 🎈

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