Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts

Wednesday, 2 January 2019


Remember not the storms of this past year, and do not regret the hills and the valleys. Remember how GOD never failed you. He was in it, holding your hands tightly, never letting go when you were upset or hurt.

The LORD your GOD has promised in this New Year that If you remain in Him and His Words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you (John 15:7). The best is yet to come. Therefore, expect this jubilant new year to be one of elevation and good news of prophetic manifestations and miracles. 

May God be glorified in 2019, as you experience the surpassing greatness of God's favor and a supernatural increase in every area of your life. 

*"'You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.'" (Luke 1:45, NLT).*

🀩 Happiness 🎈

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