Showing posts with label touching words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label touching words. Show all posts

Friday, 24 December 2021

🌲True ChristmasπŸŽ„



If I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows, strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls, but do not show love, 

I'm just another decorator. 

If I slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Christmas cookies, preparing gourmet meals and arranging a beautifully adorned table at mealtime, but do not show love, 

I'm just another cook.

If I work at the soup kitchen, carol in the nursing home and give all that I have to charity, but do not show love, 

it profits me nothing. 

If I trim the spruce with shimmering angels and crocheted snowflakes, 

attend a myriad of holiday parties

and sing in the choir's cantata but do not focus on Christ, 

I have missed the point. 

Love stops the cooking to hug the child.

Love sets aside the decorating to kiss a loved one. 

Love is kind, though harried and tired.

Love doesn't envy another's home that has coordinated Christmas china and table linens. 

Love doesn't yell at the kids to get out of the way, 

but is thankful they are there to be in the way. 

Love doesn't give only to those who are able to give in return but rejoices in giving to those who can't. 

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails.

Video games will break, 

pearl necklaces will be lost, 

golf clubs will rust, but giving the gift of love will endure

Sunday, 5 December 2021

Joy of giving


*I want to remember your Face so that when I meet you in Heaven, I will be able to recognize you and Thank you once again -*

In a telephonic interview,

the Radio Announcer

asked his guest,

a millionaire,

"What made you

Happiest in life ?"

The millionaire replied :

I have gone through

Four stages of

Happiness in my Life 

Finally I understood the

Meaning of True Happiness. 

The First Stage was

to Accumulate

Wealth and Means.

But at this Stage

I did not get the

Happiness I wanted. 

Then came the Second

Stage of Collecting

Valuables and Items. 

But I realized that the

Effect of this thing

is also Temporary & the

Lustre of Valuable Things

Does not last long.

Then came the

Third Stage of Getting

Big Projects like

Buying a football team,

Buying a tourist resort etc. 

But even here I did not

Get the Happiness

I had imagined.

The Fourth time

A Friend of mine

Asked me to buy

Wheelchairs for

Disabled children.

At the Friend's request, I immediately bought some Wheelchairs.

But My Friend insisted

That I go with him and

Hand over the Wheelchairs

To the Children myself.

So,I went with him &

Gave the Wheel chairs

To those Children

with my own hands.

I saw the Great

Glow of Happiness

On the Faces of

Those Children. 

I saw them all

Sitting on the Chairs,

Moving around

And having fun.

It was as if they had

Arrived at a Picnic.

But I felt Real Joy

When I started to leave

And one of the Kids

Grabbed my leg.

I gently tried to

Free my leg - but the

Child stared at my face

And held my leg tightly.

I bent down and

Asked the Child :

"Do you need

Anything else?"

The answer the Child

Gave me not only

Made me Happy

but also Changed

My Life forever.

The Child said : 

"I want to remember

Your Face, so that

When I meet you

in Heaven, i will be

Able to recognize you

& Thank you once again."



Saturday, 5 October 2019

Know your worth!!

A father before he died said to his son:

 “This is a watch your grandfather gave and it is more than 200 years old. 

Before I give it to you, go to the watch shop on the first street and tell him that I wanted to sell it and see how much it is worth.

He went and came back to his father, and said, "the watchmaker paid 5 dollars because it's old”. 

He said to him : “go to the coffee shop”. He went and came back, and said, “He paid $5 father”.  

“Go to the museum and show that watch”. 
— He went and came back, and said to his father, “They offered me a million dollars for this piece”.  

The father said: “I wanted to let you know that the right place values you in a right way.

Don't put yourself in the wrong place and get angry if you are not valued. The one who knows your value is the one who appreciates you.

"Don't stay in a place that doesn't suit you".

Know your worth! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Friday, 2 August 2019


I went to an Electrician and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD..πŸ’‘πŸ˜Š πŸ™Œ

I went to a Hunter and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied he's the LION OF JUDAHπŸ‘‘πŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to a Baker and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the BREAD OF LIFE.πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Doctor and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the GREAT PHYSICIAN πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Plumber and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the LIVING WATER πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Farmer and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the TRUE WINE πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Builder and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the CORNERSTONE, FOUNDATIONπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Gardener and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the LILLY OF THE VALLEY, ROSE OF SHARON πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Fisherman and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the FISHER OF MEN πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the prison and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the PRISON BREAKER πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Miner and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the MOST PRECIOUS STONE πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Pharmacist  and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the HEALING OINTMENT  πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Publisher and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the giver of GOOD NEWS  πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―

I went to the Shepherd  and asked him
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the SHEPHERD OF MY SOUL  πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’―
I went to a KING and asked him 
: Who is Jesus?
He replied Jesus is the KING of KINGS....πŸ‘‘πŸ’ͺ😊

The person I didn't meet yet is you. But now that I have meet you and you have read this post let me ask you😊

Monday, 28 January 2019

God will answer your prayer- Touching story

Dr. Abraham, a well known cancer specialist, was once on his way to an important conference in another city where he was going to receive an award in the field of medical research.

He was excited about the award and so boarded a plane to the venue. However, two hours after the plane took off, it made an emergency landing at the nearest airport due to a technical problem.

Afraid that he would not make it in time to the conference, he immediately went to the reception to make enquiries. He found out that he would have to wait ten hours for the next flight to his destination! He rented a car and drove himself to the conference city which was four hours away.

Soon after he left, the weather changed and a heavy storm began.
The downpour made it difficult for him to see so he missed a turn he was supposed to take.

Driving in the heavy rain on a deserted road, feeling hungry and tired, he frantically began to look for any sign of civilization. He came across a small tattered house and knocked on the door. A beautiful lady opened the door. He explained his situation and wanted to use the lady's telephone but she had no telephone. She however asked him to come inside and wait till the weather improved. The doctor who was hungry and exhausted accepted the offer. The lady offered him something to eat and drink.

She asked him to join her in prayers but he declined. According to him, he believed in hard work, not in prayers! Sitting at the table and sipping his tea, the doctor watched the woman pray many times beside a baby's crib. Feeling that the woman might be in need of help, the doctor asked her what exactly she needed from God and asked if God ever listened to her prayers.

When he inquired of the child in the crib, the woman explained that her son was down with cancer. And they had been advised to see a doctor named Abraham who could cure him but she did not have enough money to afford his fees.
She said that God had not yet answered her prayers but said that God would create some way out one day.  She added that she would not allow her fears to overcome her faith!

Stunned and speechless, Dr. Abraham began to weep! He was forced to say out loud, "GOD IS GREAT" and recollected to the woman, all the sequence of bad events: malfunction on the plane, a thunderstorm and how he lost his way.  All of which had happened because God answers prayers,  wanted to give him a chance to come out of his bondage of materialistic career pursuit and give some time to a poor, helpless woman who had nothing but rich prayers!

Oh! What a God!

*God may not answer your prayers YOUR WAY but he will always answer HIS way.*

_*Behind the scenes, he will move men, the weather, events, circumstances, etc. in order to work out the best for you!_*

Do not stop trusting!
Do not stop hoping!

God is busy planning your dancing this year!

Hold on!
Hold out!

Look up daily! 

This touched and still touches me. I hope it touches you too, and if it does, please share.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Symptoms of Inner peace

*Symptoms Of Inner Peace..*

1. Frequent attacks of *Smiling*
2. Frequent overwhelming episodes of *Appreciation*
3. Loss of interest in *Judging* other people.
4. Loss of ability to *Worry*
5. Tendency to act based on *Hope* rather than on fear.
6. Ability to *Enjoy* Each Moment.
7. Ability to Give & Receive *Love* { inspite of life's problems }.
8. *Sharing* whatever little you have with people having less in life.

*_If symptoms persist,_*
*Just THANK GOD !*

Monday, 7 January 2019

The story about Old age Home

There was an old man. He was wealthy and living with son and daughter-in-law.

One day he became sick. He was hospialised. After few days he was taken home. His son engaged a nurse and a servant to look after him.

Initially his son and daughter-in-law used to to come to his room. Slowly, slowly they stopped coming to him. Old man was feelin very sad but he didn't say anything to anyone.

One day he just came out of his room and saw his son and daughter-in-law talking to each other.

Daughter-in-law said, "I think we should keep father in an old age home. There people will look after him. Here our son might be affected." The son nodded.

Old man after hearing the conversation felt very bad. He went back to his room.

In the evening the son came to his room and said, "I want to say something to you." Father said., "I too want to say something to you."

Son: OK. Go ahead.

Father: You know I am not keeping good health. I want to live rest of my life with people like me who are sick and none is there to look after them."

The son was very happy to hear this. But concealing his happiness he said, "What are you saying dad? What difficulties do you have living here?"

Father: No my son. I don't have any difficulty living here. But I am at pain to tell you that you please make your arrangement to live somewhere else. I have decided to convert my  bunglow into an Old Age Home where people like me can live with me."

Father: Oh. You also wanted to tell me something. What's that?"

There was a silence in the room.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

We can fly...!!!

Hardship is part of life.  None of us can escape it, yet all of us want to.
It makes me think about how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly.  After it forms a chrysalis around itself, the caterpillar gradually changes into a butterfly inside it.  
But, exiting the chrysalis is the hardest part of the caterpillar's metamorphosis.  
You see, the new butterfly must push and pull its way out of the chrysalis, and it is quite painful to watch.  
One might think it needs to reach out and help the butterfly to escape, but this is the worst thing we could do.  
Why, you ask?  The painful process of exiting the chrysalis is the very thing that gives the butterfly enough strength to flap it's wings and fly.  Isn't that amazing? 
Sometimes, life can be a  metaphorical chrysalis of sorts.  It's uncomfortable, and we wonder why God would allow things to be so hard.  
We want an easy exit.  
But, what if this grueling season is the very thing that equips us for the calling that God has placed on us?  
What if an early exit from this difficult time would be detrimental to our life as a whole?  
When I think about hardship this way, I can see the purpose and hope in it.  
God is never finished with us.  We are all works in progress, and walking through hard times is an essential part of our growth in Him.  But, we don't have to walk through it alone.  
He is with us through every step--guiding us, holding us, and reminding us that we CAN pull through.  
After some time, we experience a beautiful transformation from the inside out. 
And, we realize that WE CAN FLY.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Heart touching testimony


My name is James. I and my wife Sandra got married 14yrs ago and since then we had no child. As Christians, we still believed God for a baby at the due time. Finally, my wife got pregnant and everything was alright. On the day of delivery, I was driving her to the hospital and suddenly our car collided with an on-coming lorry and we had a fatal accident. My sister narrated it thus:

''We had a call from the police through the identification found on you that you and Sandra were in the hospital. When we came to the hospital, the Doctor asked us to sign some documents so that an operation could be performed on Sandra to bring the baby out. The baby came out alive but Sandra was declared dead while I was in comma with my two legs broken. In the night, a man clothed in white appeared to me and touched my head. From that moment, I started sneezing. After 5mins, I sat up and became a little strong. Then I asked, 'where is my wife'? Then, somebody the next door started sneezing too. That was Sandra. 'She's alive, she's alive', the nurses shouted. Sandra also narrated that the same man clothed in white who touched my head also touched her head. Few days later we were discharged from the hospital. My broken legs have also been restored and I can walk perfectly too.

Today, I, Sandra and our daughter named Miracle are all alive. What was supposed to be our happiest day turned out to be a sorrowful day but we thank God for today. Ladies and gentlemen, God exists and still performs miracles, even the miracle of bringing the dead to live.

Now I decree that:
1. Nothing will cut your joy short on the happiest day of your life in Jesus name.
2. I command every dead thing in your life to come back alive in Jesus name.
3. This year, may you receive a miracle that will attract the attention of the world in Jesus mighty name.

Share this testimony.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Respect women. .!!

This is one of the best posts I've read about woman... Please read it completely... it's worth it...

WOMAN. . . . . . . . . 

When God created woman he was working late on the 6th day.......

An angel came by and asked." Why spend so much time on her?"

The lord answered. "Have you seen all the specifications I have to meet to shape her?"

She must function on all kinds of situations, 
She must be able to embrace several kids at the same time,
Have a hug that can heal anything from a bruised knee to a broken heart,
She must do all this with only two hands,"
She cures herself when sick and can work 18 hours a day"

THE ANGEL was impressed" Just two hands.....impossible!

And this is the standard model?"

The Angel came closer and touched the woman"
"But you have made her so soft, Lord".
"She is soft", said the Lord,
"But I have made her strong. You can't imagine what she can endure and overcome"

"Can she think?" The Angel asked...
The Lord answered. "Not only can she think, she can reason and negotiate"

The Angel touched her cheeks....
"Lord, it seems this creation is leaking! You have put too many burdens on her" 
"She is not is a tear" The Lord corrected the Angel…

"What's it for?" Asked the Angel..... .
The Lord said. "Tears are her way of expressing her grief, her doubts, her love, her loneliness, her suffering and her pride."...

This made a big impression on the Angel,
"Lord, you are a genius. You thought of everything.
A woman is indeed marvellous"

Lord said."Indeed she is.
She has strength that amazes a man.
She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens.
She holds happiness, love and opinions.
She smiles when she feels like screaming.
She sings when she feels like crying, cries when happy and laughs when afraid.
She fights for what she believes in.

Her love is unconditional.
Her heart is broken when a next-of-kin or a friend dies but she finds strength to get on with life"

The Angel asked: So she is a perfect being?
The lord replied: No. She has just one drawback
"She often forgets what she is worth".

Send it to all the women u respect ....πŸ‘

And to all men who respect woman πŸ‘πŸ‘

W O M A N:
● changes her name.
● changes her home.
● leaves her family.
● moves in with you.
● builds a home with you.
● gets pregnant for you.
● pregnancy changes her body.
● she gets fat.
● almost gives up in the labour room due to the unbearable pain of child birth..
● even the kids she delivers bear your name..

Till the day she dies.. everything she does... cooking, cleaning your house, taking care of your parents, bringing up your children, earning, advising you, ensuring you can be relaxed, maintaining all family relations, everything that benefit you.. sometimes at the cost of her own health, hobbies and beauty.

So who is really doing whom a favour?

Dear men, appreciate the women in your lives always, because it is not easy to be a woman.

*Being a woman is priceless*

Happy women's week! 

Rock the world ladies!
A salute to ladies!

🏻‍♀A woman of prayer, makes the desert bloom! 

🏻‍♀A woman of prayer, sees storms as opportunities!

🏻‍♀A woman of prayer, doesn't give up, she insists! 

🏻‍♀A woman of prayer, does not speak, she acts! 

🏻‍♀A woman of prayer, turns a curse into a blessing! 

🏻‍♀A woman of prayer acts with wisdom!

🏻‍♀A woman of prayer, does not exalt herself, she humbles herself to be exalted! 

🏻‍♀A woman of prayer, she is discreet, she knows her place.

🏻‍♀A woman of prayer says words that edify and brings life.

🏻‍♀A woman of prayer, acts by faith! 

🏻‍♀A woman of prayer is not afraid, she trusts in God! 

🏻‍♀A true WOMAN of prayer is one who is aware that with God she can do everything and that to have victories you only need to trust.

🏻‍♀For the woman of prayer there is nothing impossible, because “everything is possible to the one who believes”. 

*Happy Women's Day of Prayer.*

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Can Christian drink alcohol. .?!!

Image result for bible pics

******CAN A CHRISTIAN DRINK.???*****

I received this and wish to share
When an European Airline was initially launched, an educated Christian gentleman was Traveling in the first class section. 

An air hostess approached him with a complimentary drink, this was an alcoholic drink so that man politely refused. 

The air hostess returned but this time bought the drink on a platter, designed to appeal and impress. However the Christian man again politely refused, explaining he doesn't drink alcohol. 

The air hostess was concerned and informed the manager. 
The manager approached the man with another platter, now designed with flowers, he questioned, “is there something wrong with our service? please enjoy the drink, it is a complimentary offer.” 

The man replied, “I am a Christian and I do not drink alcohol.” The manager still insisted that the man take the drink. 

Then, the Christian proposed that the manager should give the drink to the pilot first. The manager stated, “how can the pilot drink alcohol, he’s on duty!  

And if he drinks there are all chances for the plane to crash”. 

The passenger nearly shedding tears shook his head and replied, “I am a Christian and I am ALWAYS on duty in order to protect my FAITH and if I Drink Alcohol I will crash my whole life here and hereafter. 
I AM 100% ON DUTY!


Wednesday, 13 April 2016


-Do what is RIGHT not what is Easy..

-If you are alive, you have the gift of growing. Battle after battle, you need to understand: you will get through this. That is the power of hope!

The true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back.

-Be thankful for the struggles you go through. They make you stronger and wiser. Don’t let them break you.

-No eye has seen

No ear has heard
No mind conceive
What heaven holds
But here and now
Let earth be found
With all our crowns
Upon Your Name

-Don't be that person people have to make happy. Walk in the room and light it up with YOUR happiness..

-We are still standing because of His Grace.

-God-given struggles don't come to stay, they come to pass. Just be patient. Wait while God works for you. -DONMOEN

-Remember no matter how broken you are or how long you've been struggling, you can still fight back and overcome ..!!
All you need to do is TRUST YOURSELF.

-So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. -Hebrews 9:28

-Sin is broken,Lost now chosen in the father's heart

-There is sowing time, be sure that there is reaping time also!

-Your best is yet to come.

-Keep the smile,
drop the tension,
feel the joy,
forget the worry,
hold the peace,
leave the pain,
and always, BE HAPPY! 

 -"No matter where we are, God is as close as a prayer. He is our support and our strength. He will help us make our way up again from whatever depths we have fallen." - Billy Graham

-Rejection is either God's protection or promotion. Trust the doors that He closes. - DONMOEN

-Your life never be the same. . Don't let the past to ruin your current life..

-Your life never be the same. . Don't let the past to ruin your current life..

-Don't look back. . Let the past go.. keep moving forward. .!!

-Even at the last minute a miracle can happen. So don't give up!!

-"Everything I have means nothing
JESUS if You're not my one thing

-The time is up for chasing shadows
You gave the world a light to follow
A hope that shines beyond tomorrow ..Your love goes on..!! Thank you Lord. 

-Every time you think you’re being rejected, God’s actually redirecting you to something better. Ask Him to give you the strength to press forward

-Never underestimate someone's ability to find out the truth..!!

-"Lord I give my life
Knowing I'm found in Christ"

-The reason am thankful to God is I know I won't deserve anything. . But still he gives me everything. .

-My God's not dead, he's surely alive. . He's living on the inside, roaring like a lion

-smile emoticon Pause for a moment and be grateful for what is in your hand

-No matter what comes against you, DO NOT BE AFRAID! The Lord is with you!

-When words fails, music speaks. .

-Most of the times Silence is a best Answer for all Question

-If God is there for us, then who can stand against us?

-What God knows about me is more important than what others think of me.

-For all You've given to me, for all the blessing that I cannot see πŸ™πŸΌ With a greatful heart, with a song of praise, Thank you Lord

-Every weakness you have is an opportunity for God to show His strength in your life.

-When you're tempted to lose patience with someone, think how patient God has been with you all the time.

-“The devil knows your name and calls you by your sin, but the Lord knows your sin and calls you by your name.”

-A Mistake Which Is Not Corrected Immediately is Another Mistake.

-Never underestimate the pain of a person because , in all honesty, everyone is suffering. Some people are better in hiding than others ..

-Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.

-With God, you've the power to conquer anything that comes in your way.

-"God doesn't need you, He wants you."

-You are loved.
You are wonderfully made.
You are beautiful.
You have purpose.
You are a masterpiece.
God has a great plan for you


heart emoticon

Friday, 1 April 2016

Bitterness ▶▶ Sweet

When they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter...And the people complained against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” So he cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a tree. When he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweetExodus 15:23–25Always Bring In The Cross

I love the story of how God turned bitter, poisonous waters into sweet, refreshing waters for His people when they came to a place called Marah (meaning “bitterness” in Hebrew).

When the Israelites could not drink the water, Moses cried out to the Lord. The Lord showed him a tree, which Moses cast into the waters. When he did that, the Bible says that “the waters were made sweet”.

I love how God’s solution then is still God’s solution now: Throw in the tree—a picture of Jesus at the cross—to turn the bitter waters sweet.

Today, if you are facing a ”bitter waters” situation in your body or life, I want to encourage you to bring in Jesus and see what He did for you at the cross. Relief and healing don’t come from dwelling on your pain. Bring in the tree—meditate on how the cross of Jesus has saved and redeemed you—and let the Lord turn your bitter waters sweet!

🀩 Happiness 🎈

  A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The teacher then mix...