Showing posts with label Marriage principles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage principles. Show all posts

Friday, 21 June 2024

πŸ’‘ Stages of Marriage πŸ‘«


1. THE AMAZEMENT STAGE: This is the "wow" stage. Lots of new things to discover with your spouse. The newness, the freshness is so amazing. Sleeping on the same bed, wearing the same attire, cooking for him, doing house chores with her, bathing together. Wearing your dazzling wedding ring everywhere, turning people's head at the newest couple around. Loads and lots of fun. Sexual exploration and excitement. Being in control of your kitchen, feeding him and lots more. It's the honeymoon stage and it's so so beautiful.

2. THE IRRITATION STAGE: This is when you begin to notice weaknesses you have overlooked or blissfully wish they go away but didn't. The repetition of such weaknesses begins to work on your nerves and you are getting irritated: he snores a lot, she is slow in the kitchen, she belches loudly, he screams unnecessarily, she won't bathe before coming to bed or shave, he spends many hours watching football and ignores you when you talk. "What's just wrong with this guy?" You think aloud, well it's part of marriage.

3. THE ANGER STAGE: This is when the repetition of such weaknesses gets on your nerves and you display your anger. The introverted partners stuffs it in and either keep malice, avoid you or stubbornly continue with the irritating habit. It's the stage you begin to wonder: "have I really married the wrong guy?" "Have I married the wrong woman?" No, you did not, you are simply going through a phase together.

4. THE RESOLUTION STAGE: When you both begin to face the reality of marriage and acknowledge your partner's weaknesses. You eventually realize anger and malice does not solve any problem and begins to find ways to deal with your differences, both of you begin to compromise here and there and adjust to each other.

5. THE ACCEPTANCE STAGE: When it dawned on you that some things are just part of your partner and may never change. You resigned from anger, abuse and quarrel and choose to accept them, lovingly adjust to them and enjoy them regardless of their weaknesses.

6. THE RESTFUL STAGE:This is the stage you permanently accept them with all their strengths, weaknesses, short comings and flaws and love them unconditionally regardless of what they do. This is real love -agape, divine and true. You reconnect emotionally, spiritually and physically at a deeper level and enjoy honey moon again while building a lasting marriage regardless of the challenges you face.

There is no perfect marriage. Every marriage goes through this stages. How you handle it will determine if you will come out bitter or better.

You don't have to abuse your spouse or keep malice if God is at the centre of your home and you obey the word of God daily.

Nevertheless, do not be disappointed if you go through the unpleasant stages in marriage. It is a phase and will surely end.

Handle your marriage with wisdom and keep loving regardless of the challenges you face. That is what will make your marriage a heaven on earth experience. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, 28 May 2016


Mummy’s boy, you are now a man. Tomorrow you will have a new mother, a new cook and a new person to share all your secrets with. It will no longer be me but her. Love your new mum even more than you love me. Before you walk into her arms forever, let me give you some words to guide you.
There was a day I was arguing with your father. We were screaming, tempers were high. I was angry and he was angry. Then I called him an idiot! He was shocked. He looked at me asking how dare I call him that? Immediately,I started calling him idiot, fool, stupid, crazy, I called him all sorts of names. Guess what he did? He didn’t raise his hands to hit me. He just walked away, banging the door as he went out.
My Son, if your father had hit me and damaged my face, how would you feel sitting here with me today? How would you regard him as your father? Would you have been proud of him or would you be blaming me for calling him names? Never hit your wife! No matter the provocation; just walk away and things will be normal. Whenever she offends you, think of this story I just told you, it could have been your mum!
Before I forget, after he left, I was filled with guilt. We slept on same bed that night and I went to him the next day. I pleaded with him, I did all I could to show am sorry and he forgave me. That day I cooked his favourite food, yes you know he loves pounded yam and Vegetable soup right? After that day, I never called him names, my respect for him was ten times stronger.
There is something very important you must always do, my son listen very carefully, defend your wife. When she is under pressure, stand by her. If your friends hate her, it is your duty to make them see her as a Queen. Your uncle, I mean Uncle Samuel, never liked me. But your father was always supportive until his perception changed and he continued to support me.
There was a day your father was going to host his boss and friends. They were three. That day I was in the kitchen cooking for them and your father went to buy drinks. When the table was set and food was served, everyone started eating. Then I remembered I did not add salt in the food. I was embarrassed. Your father tasted the food and looked at me. He immediately turned to the guests. He told them that he instructed his wife last month not to add salt whenever she is cooking because of some problem with his body. He said it in a funny way and everyone laughed! The guests understood and he asked me to bring salt and everyone added according to their taste. He managed to eat the food without salt. After the guests left, he went on his knees and asked God to forgive him for lying.
Your wife is like a baby, sometimes she doesn’t know what to say or do. Stand up and speak for her!
Now let me talk to you about sex. You see, sex is a wonderful thing. Do not be surprised if your wife enjoys and needs sex more than you do. There were days, I needed sex more than your father did and there were days he needed it more than I did but the important thing is to always try to satisfy the other when they need arises. Don’t always think of yourself.
There was a time things were hard and I needed to do two jobs to support your father. One night, I was so tired. When I got to bed he was in the mood. He tried to make love to me and I didn’t refuse him. I was tired but I felt I needed to be there when he needs me. When he tried undressing me, he saw my look and he stopped. He asked what was wrong and I said nothing. But he understands me better. He stopped and then started telling me stories until I fell asleep.
My son, sex is best enjoyed when the two parties are physically and mentally ready for it. Sometimes, read your wife and understand her.
Make it a habit to go everywhere with your wife. Beside your job, move around with her. If anyone invites you to his house and tells you not to come with your wife then be very careful. Use wisdom.
I know you love mummy… I know you tell me all your problems. But now things will be different.
Let your wife be the first to know before me. Let her be the first to see before me.
When you have problems with her don’t run to me immediately. Wait for a day or two days to pass and then talk to her about it. Pray about it. Report her to nobody but talk issues out within yourself.
Finally, don’t forget to come and visit me with your wife every month!
I know you will have a happy home. You will always be mummy’s boy. God will bless your home. Pls don't forget God, pray and seek His assistance always....
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