Showing posts with label Morning devotion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morning devotion. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Jesus Loves youπŸ’₯ 

 ⛳What is so important about morning prayers❓

_🎈Prayer in the morning is so important because you meet God before you meet the Devil._

🎈You meet God before you meet the circumstances of life. 

_🎈You talk to God before you talk to many people._

🎈You fellowship with God before you fellowship with other people. 

_🎈You hear news from Heaven before you receive any breaking news._

🎈You sit before God before you sit before people.

_🎈You kneel before God before you kneel down before men._

🎈You Honour God before you Honour people.  

_🎈You get into His Presence before you get into the presence of people._ 

🎈You feed your Spirit before you feed your body. 

_🎈You  call Jesus before you call all small names._

🎈You see Jesus Christ before you see yourself in the mirror.  

_🎈You sweep your heart before you sweep your yard!_

Start praying πŸ™πŸ»

🀩 Happiness 🎈

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