Showing posts with label Happy new year 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy new year 2019. Show all posts

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Encouraging and promise message for 2019


A beautiful, heartwarming anecdote.....just right to usher in the new year. ❤

" Today I was walking in the supermarket and suddenly I heard a noise of things breaking. I walked down the aisles and saw that some people were murmuring . When I walked down their aisle, I saw a group of people staring at them.
An older lady had hit the shelf containing plates and glasses with her cart and many had fallen to the ground and broken. 
Kneeling on the floor embarrassed, the old lady was frantically picking up the shattered pieces, while her husband peeled off the bar code from each broken dish saying: 
"See!!! Now we will have to pay for all this." 
What a sad scene. Someone has a mishap, and all eyes were on her. When I knelt beside her to explain to her not to worry, a young man came and knelt beside us and said:
- Leave it, we will pick this up. Let’s get your information, so you can go to the hospital and have that wound in your hand looked at.
The lady looked at him, embarrassed and said:
- No. But I have to pay for all this.
The young man said:
- No ma'am, We have insurance for that kind of loss, and you do not have to pay anything.
When the young man got up, I could see that he had the information for the supermarket manager and sent the customer to get checked out. 


For you who have read this so far, I would like you to give me a minute. Wherever you are, close your eyes, and imagine God doing the same for you!
Collect the pieces of your broken heart for all the blows that life has thrown at you. , God will heal all your wounds and I assure you that your sins and mistakes will be forgiven. 
There is a warranty called grace, that when you recognize that you were wrong and you accept God as your only savior, the manager of the existence of the universe (GOD) will tell you: "Everything is already paid for ... go on your way, go!"

Wednesday, 2 January 2019


Remember not the storms of this past year, and do not regret the hills and the valleys. Remember how GOD never failed you. He was in it, holding your hands tightly, never letting go when you were upset or hurt.

The LORD your GOD has promised in this New Year that If you remain in Him and His Words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you (John 15:7). The best is yet to come. Therefore, expect this jubilant new year to be one of elevation and good news of prophetic manifestations and miracles. 

May God be glorified in 2019, as you experience the surpassing greatness of God's favor and a supernatural increase in every area of your life. 

*"'You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.'" (Luke 1:45, NLT).*

🀩 Happiness 🎈

  A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The teacher then mix...