Showing posts with label touching words from son. Show all posts
Showing posts with label touching words from son. Show all posts

Sunday, 5 December 2021

Joy of giving


*I want to remember your Face so that when I meet you in Heaven, I will be able to recognize you and Thank you once again -*

In a telephonic interview,

the Radio Announcer

asked his guest,

a millionaire,

"What made you

Happiest in life ?"

The millionaire replied :

I have gone through

Four stages of

Happiness in my Life 

Finally I understood the

Meaning of True Happiness. 

The First Stage was

to Accumulate

Wealth and Means.

But at this Stage

I did not get the

Happiness I wanted. 

Then came the Second

Stage of Collecting

Valuables and Items. 

But I realized that the

Effect of this thing

is also Temporary & the

Lustre of Valuable Things

Does not last long.

Then came the

Third Stage of Getting

Big Projects like

Buying a football team,

Buying a tourist resort etc. 

But even here I did not

Get the Happiness

I had imagined.

The Fourth time

A Friend of mine

Asked me to buy

Wheelchairs for

Disabled children.

At the Friend's request, I immediately bought some Wheelchairs.

But My Friend insisted

That I go with him and

Hand over the Wheelchairs

To the Children myself.

So,I went with him &

Gave the Wheel chairs

To those Children

with my own hands.

I saw the Great

Glow of Happiness

On the Faces of

Those Children. 

I saw them all

Sitting on the Chairs,

Moving around

And having fun.

It was as if they had

Arrived at a Picnic.

But I felt Real Joy

When I started to leave

And one of the Kids

Grabbed my leg.

I gently tried to

Free my leg - but the

Child stared at my face

And held my leg tightly.

I bent down and

Asked the Child :

"Do you need

Anything else?"

The answer the Child

Gave me not only

Made me Happy

but also Changed

My Life forever.

The Child said : 

"I want to remember

Your Face, so that

When I meet you

in Heaven, i will be

Able to recognize you

& Thank you once again."



Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Sad but true

Sad but true!!

A teacher after dinner, started checking homework done by her students. Her husband was strolling around with a smart phone playing his favourite game ‘Candy Crush Saga’.

When reading the last note, the wife starts crying with silent tears.

Her husband saw this and asked, ‘Why are you crying dear? What happened?’

Wife: ‘Yesterday I gave homework to my 1st Standard students, to write something abt 'My Wish'

Husband: ‘OK, but why are you crying?’

Wife: ‘Today while checking the last note, it made me cry’

Husband (curiously): ‘What’s written in the note that made you to cry?’

Wife: ‘Listen’

My wish is to become a smart phone.

My parents only love smart phones.

They care for their smart phones so much that sometimes they forget to care for me.

When my father comes from office very tired, he has time for his smart phone but not for me.

When my parents are doing some important work and when the smart phone rings, on a single ring they attend the phone, but not me even...

even if I am crying.

They play games on their smart phones but not with me.

When they are talking to someone on their smart phone, they never listen to me even if I am telling them about something important.

So, My wish is to become a smart phone.

After listening to the note, her husband got emotional and asked her, ‘who wrote this?’.

Wife: ‘Our son’!!

Gadgets are beneficial, but they are for our ease & not to be used to the extent of forsaking the love amongst the loved ones.

Children see and feel everything that happens, with & around them. It gets imprinted on their mind with an everlasting effect. Let’s take due care, that they do not grow up with wrong impressions of being forsaken.


🀩 Happiness 🎈

  A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The teacher then mix...