Showing posts with label blessings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blessings. Show all posts

Monday, 13 June 2022

What is life ?!

 A rich man looked through his window and saw a poor man picking something from his dustbin ... He said, Thank GOD I'm not poor.

The poor man looked around and saw a naked man misbehaving on the street ... He said, Thank GOD I'm not mad.

The mad man looked ahead and saw an ambulance carrying a patient ... He said, Thank GOD am not sick.

Then a sick person in hospital saw a trolley taking a dead body to the mortuary ... He said, Thank GOD I'm not dead.

Only a dead person cannot thank God.

Why don't you thank GOD today for all your blessings and for the gift of life ... for another beautiful day.

*What is LIFE*? - To understand life better, you have to go to 3 locations :

1. Hospital

2. Prison 

3. Cemetery

πŸ₯ At the Hospital, you will understand that nothing is more beautiful than HEALTH.

πŸ” In the Prison, you'll see that FREEDOM is the most precious thing.

πŸ’ At the Cemetery, you will realize that life is worth nothing. The ground that we walk today will be our roof tomorrow.

*Sad Truth* : 

We all come with.. *nothing* and we will go with ....... *nothing* ... 

Let us, therefore, remain humble and be thankful & grateful to God at all times for everything.

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

πŸ‘©‍πŸŽ“Wise WordsπŸ‘¨‍πŸŽ“

```In life, some may walk, others may run, but remember the Lord gave the tortoise and the horse the same days to reach Noah's ark. Your journey might be rough and tough but you will definitely get to your destination.
Jacob looked at Joseph and saw a good son! The ten brothers looked at Joseph and saw a useless dreamer! The travellers looked at Joseph and saw a slave!! Potiphar looked at Joseph and saw a fine servant!! Potiphar's wife looked at Joseph and saw a potential boyfriend! The prison officers saw in Joseph a prisoner! How wrong were all of them! God looked at Joseph and saw a Prime Minister of Egypt in waiting!! Don't be discouraged by what people see in you!! Be encouraged by what God sees in you!! Never underrate the person next to you because you never know what the Lord has deposited in that person. (Remember David got the anointing of becoming a King while he was a simple child herding sheep. Esther was a simple orphaned girl yet she was a Queen in waiting). Let's share God's love and make the world a better place to live. Show that love by sharing this message with those you love.
God is God:
🏽He doesn't care about *age*, no wonder he blessed Abraham.
🏽He doesn't care about *experience*, no wonder he chose David.
🏽He doesn't care about *gender,* no wonder he lifted Esther.
🏽He doesn't care about *your past*, no wonder he called Paul.
🏽He doesn't care about *your physical appearance*, no wonder he chose Zacchaeus
(the shortest one).
🏽He doesn't care about *fluency in speech* , no wonder he chose Moses.
🏽He doesn't care about *your career*, no wonder he choose Mary Magdalene; a prostitute. 
All I know is that my God never changes
🏽He never made *a promise he wouldn't keep*πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ
He never saw *a person he wouldn't help*πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ
🏽He never heard *a prayer he wouldn't answer*πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ
πŸ–ΌHe never found *a soul he wouldn't love*πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ
🏽He never found *a sinner he wouldn't forgive*πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ
This is the kind of God I would like to commune with every day the moment I wake up. I strongly recommend Him to you.`'

Wednesday, 13 April 2016


-Do what is RIGHT not what is Easy..

-If you are alive, you have the gift of growing. Battle after battle, you need to understand: you will get through this. That is the power of hope!

The true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back.

-Be thankful for the struggles you go through. They make you stronger and wiser. Don’t let them break you.

-No eye has seen

No ear has heard
No mind conceive
What heaven holds
But here and now
Let earth be found
With all our crowns
Upon Your Name

-Don't be that person people have to make happy. Walk in the room and light it up with YOUR happiness..

-We are still standing because of His Grace.

-God-given struggles don't come to stay, they come to pass. Just be patient. Wait while God works for you. -DONMOEN

-Remember no matter how broken you are or how long you've been struggling, you can still fight back and overcome ..!!
All you need to do is TRUST YOURSELF.

-So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. -Hebrews 9:28

-Sin is broken,Lost now chosen in the father's heart

-There is sowing time, be sure that there is reaping time also!

-Your best is yet to come.

-Keep the smile,
drop the tension,
feel the joy,
forget the worry,
hold the peace,
leave the pain,
and always, BE HAPPY! 

 -"No matter where we are, God is as close as a prayer. He is our support and our strength. He will help us make our way up again from whatever depths we have fallen." - Billy Graham

-Rejection is either God's protection or promotion. Trust the doors that He closes. - DONMOEN

-Your life never be the same. . Don't let the past to ruin your current life..

-Your life never be the same. . Don't let the past to ruin your current life..

-Don't look back. . Let the past go.. keep moving forward. .!!

-Even at the last minute a miracle can happen. So don't give up!!

-"Everything I have means nothing
JESUS if You're not my one thing

-The time is up for chasing shadows
You gave the world a light to follow
A hope that shines beyond tomorrow ..Your love goes on..!! Thank you Lord. 

-Every time you think you’re being rejected, God’s actually redirecting you to something better. Ask Him to give you the strength to press forward

-Never underestimate someone's ability to find out the truth..!!

-"Lord I give my life
Knowing I'm found in Christ"

-The reason am thankful to God is I know I won't deserve anything. . But still he gives me everything. .

-My God's not dead, he's surely alive. . He's living on the inside, roaring like a lion

-smile emoticon Pause for a moment and be grateful for what is in your hand

-No matter what comes against you, DO NOT BE AFRAID! The Lord is with you!

-When words fails, music speaks. .

-Most of the times Silence is a best Answer for all Question

-If God is there for us, then who can stand against us?

-What God knows about me is more important than what others think of me.

-For all You've given to me, for all the blessing that I cannot see πŸ™πŸΌ With a greatful heart, with a song of praise, Thank you Lord

-Every weakness you have is an opportunity for God to show His strength in your life.

-When you're tempted to lose patience with someone, think how patient God has been with you all the time.

-“The devil knows your name and calls you by your sin, but the Lord knows your sin and calls you by your name.”

-A Mistake Which Is Not Corrected Immediately is Another Mistake.

-Never underestimate the pain of a person because , in all honesty, everyone is suffering. Some people are better in hiding than others ..

-Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.

-With God, you've the power to conquer anything that comes in your way.

-"God doesn't need you, He wants you."

-You are loved.
You are wonderfully made.
You are beautiful.
You have purpose.
You are a masterpiece.
God has a great plan for you


heart emoticon

Monday, 10 August 2015

How many times do we miss God's blessings because they are not packaged as we expected?

A young man was
getting ready to
graduate from
college. For many
months he had
admired a beautiful
sports car in a
dealers showroom,
and knowing his
father could well
afford it, he told him
that was all he
As Graduation Day
approached, the
young man awaited
signs that his
father had purchased
the car. Finally, on
the morning of his
graduation, his father
called him into his
private study, told
him how proud he
was to have such a
fine son, and how
much he loved him.
He handed him a
beautifully wrapped
gift box.
Curious, but
disappointed, the
young man opened
the box and
found a lovely,
leather-bound Bible,
with his name
in gold.
Angrily, he raised his
voice to his father
and said,"With all
your money you give
me a Bible?" He
stormed out of the
house, leaving the
Bible behind.
Many years passed
and the young man
was very successful in
business. He had a
beautiful home and
wonderful family, but
realized his father
was very old. He
thought perhaps he
should go to him.He
had not seen him
since that graduation
But before he could
make arrangements,
he received a
telegram telling him
his father had passed
away, and willed all
of his possessions to
him. He needed to
come home
immediately and take
care of things.
When he arrived at
his father's house,
sadness and regret
filled his heart. He
began to search
through his father's
important documents
and saw the Bible,
new,just as he had
left it years ago.
With tears, he
opened the Bible and
began to turn the
pages. His father had
carefully underlined a
verse, Matt 7:11,
"And if ye, being evil,
how to give good
gifts to your children,
how much more shall
your Heavenly Father
which is in Heaven,
give to those who ask
As he read those
words, a car key
dropped from the
back of the Bible.It
had a tag with the
dealers name, the
same dealer who had
the sports car he had
On the tag was the
date of his
graduation, and the
How many times do
we miss God's
blessings because
they are not
packaged as we


🀩 Happiness 🎈

  A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The teacher then mix...