Showing posts with label testimony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label testimony. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Trust your timings


An elephant and a dog became pregnant at the same time. Three months down the line, the dog gave birth to six puppies. Six months later, the dog was pregnant again, and nine months on it gave birth to another dozen puppies. The pattern continued.

On the eighteenth month the dog approached the elephant questioning, "Are you sure that you are pregnant? We became pregnant on the same date. I have given birth three times to a dozen puppies and they are now grown to become big dogs, yet you are still pregnant. What's going on?"

The elephant replied, "There is something I want you to understand. What I am carrying is not a puppy but an elephant. I only give birth to one in two years. When my baby hits the ground, the earth feels it. When my baby crosses the road, human beings stop and watch in admiration, what I carry draws attention. So what I'm carrying is mighty and great."

Don't lose faith when you see others receive answers to their prayers in what seems like record time.

Don't be envious of others' testimony. If you haven't received your own blessings, don't despair. Say to yourself "My time is coming, and when it hits the surface of the earth, people shall yield in admiration."

Do not compare your journey to anyone else’s

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Saturday, 23 October 2021

Mother's prayer- story


“Susanna Wesley”

It would be an understatement to say Susanna Annesley came from a large family. She was the twenty-fifth child of a well-known London minister. She was also an intelligent, deeply spiritual girl. Susanna’s daily prayer was “Dear God, guide me. Help me do Thy will. Make my life count.”

Susanna lived in fear that her father would be arrested for his preaching. He was a preacher in the Dissenters’ church. The Dissenters were Christians who worshiped God in their own way rather than following the rules of the Church of England. In the late 1600’s it was against the law to preach for any church other than the Church of England. Dissenters had been branded, had their ears cut off, and been burned alive. Once, soldiers came to the Annesley’s  home and took many of their belongings as a fine because of her father’s preaching.

Susanna dearly loved and respected her father. From him she learned to study and pray at the same time every day—a habit she would one day teach her own children. When she was nineteen, Susanna married Samuel Wesley. Samuel was not only a very committed minister, but he too was highly intelligent and well educated. He also loved to write. Unfortunately for Susanna, he was not a practical man.

Their first home was drab and tiny. Samuel’s job at a small church in a village near London paid very little. They soon had a baby boy and named him Samuel after his father. Susanna prayed that God would use their son and the children that would come later to make a difference in the world.

After a few years, Samuel got a job in a bigger church in the country, one hundred miles from London. Although his pay was better and a house was provided for them, the move was difficult for Susanna. One hundred miles was a long way to be separated from family and friends when the only means of travel was by horse and carriage. She might never see them again.

Samuel spent most of his free time writing magazine articles and poetry, so it was up to Susanna to see that their growing family was clothed and fed. But in spite of Samuel’s shortcomings, Susanna loved him.

Her strong faith saw her through many hardships. Three of their first seven children died. Her oldest son had never talked. On top of that, Samuel made an important man angry by telling the woman he was living with is not his wife and what they were doing was sinful. This meant he we sure to lose his job.

During those dark days, Susanna turned to God for help. She was given a ray of joy when little Samuel finally began to talk when he was five years old. She began teaching him to read and found he had a very quick mind and memorized easily.

Then her husband was offered a job in another town. It paid better still, and a big house on three acres of land was included. Now they could grow their own food. But there were moving expenses, their growing family needed more furniture. They also needed to buy equipment and animals before they could do any farming. All of this put them in debt equal to a year’s salary.

The unschooled church people in the new place didn’t get along well with the Wesleys, who were educated and had famous and important ancestors. They also didn’t like Samuel’s political ideas and his loyalty to the king. A lonely Susanna turned to God for comfort.

One time while Samuel was away, the family was kept awake by gunshots and an angry mob’s pounding and shouting. Because Susanna was recovering from giving birth, a nurse was taking care of her baby across the street. When the mob finally left, the tired nurse fell into a deep sleep and rolled over on the baby and smothered it.

Some time later, an angry church member demanded that Samuel pay him some money he owed him right away. Samuel couldn’t, so the man had him put into prison for three months. While he was gone, one of his enemies killed all their cows, Susanna’s main means of support. Friends helped her and paid Samuels’s debt.

In 1702, a fire ruined two-thirds of their home. Rebuilding the house put them deeper in debt. Seven years later, another fire destroyed nearly everything they owned.

As if constant money troubles and problems with the townspeople weren’t enough, seven more of Susanna’s children died. Of their nineteen children, only nine lived to be adults.

Through it all, Susanna spent six hours a day teaching them. Determined that her children would learn their duty toward God and their neighbours, she wrote three religious textbooks for them. Her teaching was so effective that every one of them grew to love learning and godly living. Somehow, Susanna managed to spend two hours a day in her own Bible reading and prayer.

In the end, Susanna’s teaching, her daily prayers for her children, and her own godly example made a great impact on her world. While her sons John and Charles were studying at college, they started a club with other students who wanted to know and serve God better. The group became known as Methodists, because they had methods for praying, fasting, and studying the Bible at set times.

    Later, tens of thousands would hear John and Charles. John led the Methodist revival in England, which turned people back to the true gospel. And Charles carried the message to countless churches through the hymns

Sunday, 5 September 2021

πŸ‘¨‍🏫Specialty of teachers πŸ‘©‍🏫


An old man meets a young man who asks:

“Do you remember me?”⁴

And the old man says no. Then the young man tells him he was his student, And the teacher asks:

“What do you do, what do you do in life?”

The young man answers:

“Well, I became a teacher.”

“ah, how good, like me?” Asks the old man.

“Well, yes. In fact, I became a teacher because you inspired me to be like you.”

The old man, curious, asks the young man at what time he decided to become a teacher. And the young man tells him the following story:

“One day, a friend of mine, also a student, came in with a nice new watch, and I decided I wanted it.

I stole it, I took it out of his pocket.

Shortly after, my friend noticed that his watch was missing and immediately complained to our teacher, who was you.

Then you addressed the class saying, ‘This student's watch was stolen during classes today. Whoever stole it, please return it.’

I didn't give it back because I didn't want to.

You closed the door and told us all to stand up and form a circle.

You were going to search our pockets one by one until the watch was found.

However, you told us to close our eyes, because you would only look for his watch if we all had our eyes closed.

We did as instructed.

You went from pocket to pocket, and when you went through my pocket, you found the watch and took it. You kept searching everyone's pockets, and when you were done you said ‘open your eyes. We have the watch.’

You didn't tell on me and you never mentioned the episode. You never said who stole the watch either. That day you saved my dignity forever. It was the most shameful day of my life.

But this is also the day I decided not to become a thief, a bad person, etc. You never said anything, nor did you even scold me or take me aside to give me a moral lesson.

I received your message clearly.

Thanks to you, I understood what a real educator needs to do.

Do you remember this episode, professor?

The old professor answered, ‘Yes, I remember the situation with the stolen watch, which I was looking for in everyone’s pocket. I didn't remember you, because I also closed my eyes while looking.’

_This is the essence of teaching : one need not humiliate to teach._

_*Happy Teachers day !*_

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Heart touching testimony


My name is James. I and my wife Sandra got married 14yrs ago and since then we had no child. As Christians, we still believed God for a baby at the due time. Finally, my wife got pregnant and everything was alright. On the day of delivery, I was driving her to the hospital and suddenly our car collided with an on-coming lorry and we had a fatal accident. My sister narrated it thus:

''We had a call from the police through the identification found on you that you and Sandra were in the hospital. When we came to the hospital, the Doctor asked us to sign some documents so that an operation could be performed on Sandra to bring the baby out. The baby came out alive but Sandra was declared dead while I was in comma with my two legs broken. In the night, a man clothed in white appeared to me and touched my head. From that moment, I started sneezing. After 5mins, I sat up and became a little strong. Then I asked, 'where is my wife'? Then, somebody the next door started sneezing too. That was Sandra. 'She's alive, she's alive', the nurses shouted. Sandra also narrated that the same man clothed in white who touched my head also touched her head. Few days later we were discharged from the hospital. My broken legs have also been restored and I can walk perfectly too.

Today, I, Sandra and our daughter named Miracle are all alive. What was supposed to be our happiest day turned out to be a sorrowful day but we thank God for today. Ladies and gentlemen, God exists and still performs miracles, even the miracle of bringing the dead to live.

Now I decree that:
1. Nothing will cut your joy short on the happiest day of your life in Jesus name.
2. I command every dead thing in your life to come back alive in Jesus name.
3. This year, may you receive a miracle that will attract the attention of the world in Jesus mighty name.

Share this testimony.

Monday, 25 January 2016

Wonderful testimonies by greatest Evangelist


Joyce Meyer began her own ministry 30 years ago at the age of 42. She now has one of the largest ministries in history. A divorced, abused, uneducated woman with a call, a tremendous work ethic, a truckload of faith and a connection to everyday She's 72. 

Joel Osteen wasn't the obvious choice of John and Dodie to take the reins of the great Lakewood Church and its international television ministry. Joel was the shy, ORU dropout who did the editing for the television ministry. He wore his dad's shoes for his first sermon. The church has grown 500% in membership and added millions to its international ministry becoming a voice of hope to the unchurched and believers around the world. Joel is 52 years old and Victoria his wife is 54. Joel has sold millions of inspirational books and has the world's most watched television ministry. 

Beth Moore, at 58 years old, has built a teaching empire climbing the forbidden ladder of the Southern Baptist Convention, a denomination who will not ordain women into the 5-fold-ministry. She has crossed denominational boundaries and won the church world with her scriptural unfolding of powerful truths that address ordinary lives. 

T.D. Jakes is 58 years old. He answered the call to ministry in the coal mining Appalachian mountains of West Virginia where black people represented only 2% of the state's population. He pastored his storefront church with a coal stove in the sanctuary, a lisp and without a college degree. He took his Sunday School lesson he developed, "Woman Thou Art Loosed", and brought a delivering word to millions of broken women and is now possibly the greatest preacher of our generation with great success in the movie business, the publishing world as a best selling author, the music world and pastors the great Potter's House in Dallas with several satellite churches. 

Billy Graham is 97 years old and has a wonderful reputation and has been able to bring diplomacy to divided people and surpass political parties, denominations and modern limits reaching millions around the world with the simple gospel of Jesus Christ. He is one of history's greatest evangelists. 

Whether you are called into the ministry to pastor 40 people or to lead worship at a retirement center or to minister to millions, you are not too old or too unqualified for God to use you. Obey the call of God on your life. Step out and minister to God's precious people. God's not through using you. Someone needs you to survive. You can do this.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Testimony of Johnny Lever

"I am originally from South India. My father used to work for Hindustan Lever Ltd so we got settled in Mumbai.My actual name was John Rao and I've done my schooling from Andhra Educational Society. Though I was nota very bright student I used to manage to get through my exams.

Ours was a Christian family but as far as I am concerned I was just a nominal one. I was a Christian mainly on Christmas and Easter days. Jesus was just a friend for me, remembered only in times of trouble. Right from my childhood I was a very free and friendly person. I never took life seriously. I was more a social person and I used take every God as my God and every festival as my festival.

Freaking out with friends was one of my favorite pass times and as a result my father found that I was slowly loosing track in life. So he put me in a job at Hindustan Lever Ltd as an employee. Even at my work place I wasalways making fun, cracking jokes andalso used to do some plays for my co- workers at lunch breaks and other freetimes. Many used to watch me doing those plays and at the end they would all come and congratulate me.

Most of them said 'Johnny you are extremely talented why don't you try your luck infilms' this statement started to ring inmy mind very often. I signed my first movie in 1975 and in the year 1981, I left Hindustan Lever Ltd. I changed my name from John Rao to Johnny Lever and from then I never looked back.

Success after success followed and finally it became my surname. I made a lot of money and network. I have a status in the society. I along with my family live a costly life, enjoying every thing on earth. I had so much of network that once I did a play on National Anthem, which was actually against the law, and as a result I was arrested and put to prison, but believe me that I had a royal treatment. Many of my fans stepped in; the police received many phone calls from film and political celebrities asking them not to touch me. I personally received many wishes and flowers asking me not to worry. On the third day I got the bail and I was out. After such incidents I always felt that my money, my status and my network of friends can help me at every situation of life. Every day we had a party irrespective of the reason. It came to such an extent that if I was out of work I was with a bottle.

Life went on just the same with success and party but every thing got toiled on one node i.e. when my son Jesse was diagnosed tumor on his neck. I took him to every Famous Specialist but they all said if we operate we can't guarantee his right part of the body functioning. I was ready to spend every penny on my child but was of no use. My wife Sujatha went to different temples but they all said 'if you get your son operated he will die'. We tried every source but nothing was in our favor.

The only that was left was to come on to our knees and pray to the Living God. We sent prayer requests to every church we know and every one started to prayfor my child and at last the operation was successful.

Today, my son doesn't have even a trace of tumor in him. From then I slowly started to read the Bible, and every word I felt so strong and true that I repeatedly read it. Every word from the Bible seems to be talking to me. Slowly I started to examine myself in accordance to the Bible and slowly asked God to help me in changing my life style. God gave me grace and today I left my drinking habit. I had a big bar at my home, but today at the same place I conduct prayer meetings twice a week. During my travel I see that I carry the Bible and read it.

Today we as a family have regular family prayer meetings. I justwant to thank God for his goodness in our lives. We have a perfect peace in our family". "All that I would like to tell to every one is that the peace you find in Jesus you can never get in anything in the world – TRY JESUS!" Today, Johnny tries to reach out to every individual with the Gospel through the talent he has.

In God's ministry,

🀩 Happiness 🎈

  A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The teacher then mix...