Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Is there anyone richer than you ??!!

Someone asked the richest man in the world, Bill Gates, “Is there anyone richer than you in the world ?”

Bill Gates replied, “Yes, there is a person who is richer than me.”

He then narrated a story.

“It was during the time when I wasn’t rich or famous.

“I was at the New York Airport when I saw a newspaper vendor.

“I wanted to buy one newspaper but found that I didn’t have enough change. So I left the idea of buying and returned it to the vendor.

“I told him of not having the change. The vendor said, ‘I am giving you this for free.’ On his insistence I took the newspaper.

“Coincidentally, after two to three months, I landed at the same airport and again I was short of change for a newspaper. The vendor offered me the newspaper again. I refused and said that I can’t take it for I don’t have change today too. He said, ‘You can take it, I am sharing this from my profit, I won’t be at loss.’ I took the newspaper.

“After 19 years I became famous and known by people. Suddenly I remembered that vendor. I began searching for him and after about 1½ months of searching, I found him.

“I asked him, ‘Do you know me?’ He said, ‘Yes, you are Bill Gates.’

“I asked him again, ‘Do you remember once you gave me a newspaper for free?’

“The vendor said, ‘Yes, I remember. I gave you twice.’

“I said, ‘I want to repay the help you had offered me that time. Whatever you want in your life, tell me, I shall fulfill it.’

“The vendor said, ‘Sir, don’t you think that by doing so you won’t be able to match my help?’

“I asked, ‘Why?’

“He said, ‘I had helped you when I was a poor newspaper vendor and you are trying to help me now, when you have become the richest man in the world. How can your help match mine ?’

“That day I realized that the newspaper vendor is richer than I am, because he didn’t wait to become rich to help someone.”

People need to understand that the truly rich are those who possess a rich heart rather than lots of money.

It’s really very important to have a rich. - Routine of education.

Friday, 13 September 2019

Death of conscience

Lovely poem by Ram Jethmalani, who died at 95-
Sometimes in the dark of the night,
I visit my conscience  
To see if  it is still breathing,
For its dying a slow death
Every day.

When I pay for a meal in a fancy place.
An amount which is perhaps the monthly income 
Of the guard who holds the door open.
And quickly I shrug away that thought,
It dies a little.

When I buy vegetables from the vendor, 
And his son "chhotu" smilingly weighs the potatoes,
Chhotu, a small child, who should be studying at school.
 I look the other way
It dies a little.

When I am decked up in a designer dress,
A dress that cost a bomb 
And I see a woman at the crossing,
In tatters,trying unsuccessfully to save her dignity. 
And I immediately  roll up my window.
It dies a little. 

When I buy expensive gifts for my children, 
On return,  I see half clad children, 
With empty stomach and hungry eyes, 
Selling toys at red light 
I try to save my conscience by buying some, yet
It dies a little. 

When my sick  maid sends her daughter to work, 
Making her bunk school 
I know I should tell her to go back. 
But I look at the loaded sink and dirty dishes, 
And I tell myself that is just for a couple of days 
It dies a little. 

When I hear about a rape
or a murder of a child,
I feel sad, yet a little thankful that it's not my child.
I can not  look at myself  in the mirror,
It dies a little. 

When people fight over caste creed and religion.
I feel hurt and helpless
I tell  myself that my country is going to the dogs,
I blame the corrupt politicians, 
Absolving myself of all responsibilities 
It dies a little. 

When my city is choked.
Breathing is dangerous  in the smog ridden metropolis,
I take my car to work daily ,
Not taking  the metro,not trying car pool. 
One car won't make a difference, I think 
It dies a little. 

So when in the dark of the night,
I visit my conscience 
And find it still breathing 
I am surprised. 
For, with my own hands 
Daily, bit by bit, I kill it, I bury it.

🀩 Happiness 🎈

  A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The teacher then mix...