Tuesday, 29 June 2021

😜Don't mess with intelligent people-πŸ€ͺ funny storyπŸ˜›


When Nelson Mandela was studying law at the University, a white professor, whose last name was Peters, disliked him intensely.

One day, Mr. Peters was having lunch at the dining room when Mandela came along with his tray & sat next to the professor.

The professor said, 

"Mr Mandela, you do not understand, a pig & a bird do not sit together to eat"

Mandela looked at him as a parent would a rude child & calmly replied, 

*"You do not worry professor. I'll fly away,"* 

& he went & sat at another table.

Mr. Peters, reddened with rage, decided to take revenge.

The next day in class he posed the following question: 

"Mr. Mandela, if you were walking down the street & found a package, & within was a bag of wisdom & another bag with money, which one would you take ?"

Without hesitating, Mandela responded, "The one with the money, of course."

Mr. Peters , smiling sarcastically said, 

"I, in your place, would have taken the wisdom."

Nelson Mandela shrugged & responded, *"Each one takes what he doesn't have."*

Mr. Peters, by this time was about to throw a fit, seething with fury. So great was his anger that he wrote on Nelson Mandela's exam sheet the word *"IDIOT"*

& gave it to the future struggle icon.

Mandela took the exam sheet & sat down at his desk trying very hard to remain calm while he contemplated his next move.

A few minutes later, Nelson Mandela got up, walked up to the professor & told him in a dignified polite tone,

"Mr. Peters, *you signed your name on the sheet*, but you forgot to give me my grade."


Don't mess with intelligent people....pass it on to your intellectual friends.... 

May the Lord give us wisdom to respond to our haters, don't hate back but apply wisdom!

Monday, 28 June 2021

πŸ’ *"IndestructibleπŸ“š Bible"* πŸ’

*_“And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one title of law to fail.”_* – Luke 16:17 

πŸ‘‰ *Once in Spain, a mother did her ministry in a different way. She used to buy the Holy Bibles and give them to the known people free of cost. The construction work of a building was going on near that mother’s house. Masons from various places were working there. She came to know that the head of the masons was an atheist by his conversation. She prayed for him many days, bought the Bible, wrote his name and gave it to him with love. She asked him to read it without fail. But the atheist assured that he would neither read nor let others read it. So instead of a brick, he put the Bible in the wall and plastered it.*

πŸ‘‰ *Years passed. That building collapsed due to the earthquake occurred in that area. A government official who came to inspect found the Bible in the debris. He took it with him and he began to read it. Word of God worked powerfully in him. Later he joined the Bible society and started his ministry with the distribution of the Bibles. One day he happened to meet the head of the masons who was in trouble and with a broken heart. He spoke to him kindly and comforted him with the word of God and then handed the Bible to him. On seeing the Bible, the wicked deed he did long back came to his mind.*

πŸ‘‰ *The mason explained to him “A mother gave the Bible to me long back. Out of hatred I put in along with the bricks in the wall and plastered it.” The officer checked if his Bible was the same as he had taken it from the ruins of a building. To their pleasant surprise, it was the same Bible. They could see his name written in it. A non-believer had become a believer of Christ.* 

πŸ‘‰ *Dear, the Holy Bible cannot be destroyed by anyone. Read the Bible given in your hands with sensation. Meditate on the word of God. Then you will see the miracles being fulfilled in your lives. May God bless you according to His promises!*

Saturday, 19 June 2021

What is love ? True story


Years ago,  when I lived in *Lugbe,* a suburb in *Abuja,* a number of girls lived in a building adjacent to me. They strictly lived to be picked up by men.  

The girls will *go out at night* and return the following *morning.*  I, and other neighbors were *angry.*  The girls were very noisy.  They never cared who their noise disturbed.

One day, the landlord had enough. *He evicted all of them.* Their properties were thrown out. All the girls found somewhere else to relocate, *except one.* She had no place to go.

She kept her belongings in our building corridor, and on nights that she was home, she'd sleep there... *and that was on most nights.*

The tenants in the building, *including my husband and I,* met to plan how to put her and her belongings out. *Surprisingly,* one tenant, *a woman* was against the idea. She asked, "What would you all do if this girl was *your daughter, sister or relative?"* She told us that this girl and her friends have, no doubt made *wrong choices.* But she reminded us that we too, *at some point* in our past also made wrong  choices. But God still held us close to His heart and saved us.  She cautioned us as Christians to *consider what Jesus would do.*

Everyone was quiet. But none suggested any way to help the *now homeless* lady. 

Later on, the same woman who defended her at the tenant meeting had a talk with her husband. They agreed to house the girl *in their moderate apartment.*

They invited the girl into their home and told her she could stay with them. The homeless girl was shocked when the woman said to her, *"We know what you do for a living.* And you are free to go out at night and come back the next day if that's what you choose to do. Feel free to eat our food. Use the other bedroom. It is yours *as long as you live here.* Live like one of us. We did not bring you in to judge you. But we will continue to pray for you. Hopefully, the spirit will talk to you..., *at your own time."* 

_The girl was dumbfounded._ And she cried. At nights, *she stayed home.* Going out to look for men gradually became a thing of her past. 

She would join the family for morning devotion *and go to church with them on Sundays.*

One day, the woman, *now her landlord of sorts* told her of her husband's decision to pay for her to register in a university. The lady gained admission into a university. *She graduated on top of her class* and got a good job.  But even before she graduated, with a university grant for outstanding students, *she had started a business* of her own. 

Today, when you enter her office, she has this woman and her husband's photo on the wall behind her desk. The photo has the inscription, _*" " 'My parents,' the only Christians I know''.*_

Folks, what is love? Many Christians cannot answer to this question. We resist the true essence of love.

The truth is, "Christ died for us.'' Why would a righteous man die for sinners? That's what love is.

What can you do for someone even against your intrinsic instincts?

Every one we have chosen not to forgive, deserve forgiveness.  That is the sacrifice that a true Christian, who shows true love makes. 

*Love is not the practice of loving beautiful people. True love is shown by being willing to truly love those that many look down upon.*

_*How many less fortunate people have you taken home from church after service to feed?  Why do we feed the rich, and don't feed the needy?*_

Why do we scorn people who look like prostitutes? We look at children who look unkept and we shake our heads in disapproval, warning our children to avoid such people.

But what kind of people do we think that heaven is waiting up there for? 

Let's not lose the purpose of life because of what we have almost achieved.

Can someone say of you, *"I met a true believer in you?"* 


You are the best- motivational thought



Shweta covered a distance of 10 km in one hour.

Akash covered the same distance in one and a half hours.

Which of the two is faster and healthier??

 Of course our answer will be Shweta.

What if we say that Shweta covered this distance on a prepared track while Akash did it by walking on a sandy path???

Then our answer will be Akash.


But when we come to know that Shweta is 50 years old while Akash is 25 years old??

Then our answer will be Shweta again.

But we also come to know that Akash's weight is 140 kg while Shweta's weight is 65 kg.

 Again our answer will be Akash 

As we learn more about Akash and Shweta, our opinions and judgments about who is better will change.

The reality of life is also similar. We form opinions very superficially and hastily, due to which we are not able to do justice to ourselves and others.


 Opportunities vary.

 Life is different.

 Resources differ.

 Problems change.

Solutions are different.

Therefore the excellence of life is not in comparing with anyone but in testing oneself.

 You are the best. Stay as you are and keep trying your best according to your  circumstances.

 Stay healthy, stay cool, stay satisfied, keep smiling, keep laughing, keep on serving society and the country.

🀩 Happiness 🎈

  A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The teacher then mix...