Monday, 9 March 2015

Smile always..!!

Old man has 8 hair on his head. 

He went to Barber shop. 

Barber in anger asked: 

shall i cut or count ? 

Old man smiled and said: 

"Color it!"  

LIFE is to enjoy with whatever you have with you, keep smiling 

If you feel STRESSED, 

Give yourself A Break. 

Enjoy Some.. 

Ice cream 






STRESSED ka Ulta Spelling 


Alphabetic advice for you: 

A B C 

Avoid Bad Company.. 

D E F 

Don't Entertain Fools.. 

G H I 

Go for High Ideas . 

J K L M 

  Just Keep a friend like ME.. 

N O P 

Never Overlook the Poor n suffering.. 

Q R S 

Quit Reacting to Silliness..  

T U V 

Tune Yourself for Ur Victory.. 

W X Y Z 

We Expect You to Zoom ahead in life 

Very ....beautiful lines pls store it. 

One good Friend  is like a medicine in life.. 

But one good group of friends  are like medical store...

Six Best Doctors ·in the World-
          1. Sunlight
   5.Self Confidence
          6. Good friends              


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