Thursday, 21 January 2016

Sweetness of God's ♥

(1) John 3:16 For God so loved the world , that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life .
  God's love is a selfless love that always seeks the highest and best for another. It is an unconditional love that gives freely without asking anything in return.
  God's love for us in the ultimate ecample of pure , selfless love - never ending and all encompassing . God's love for us is so great that He chose to send His son Jesus to die on the cross of a Calvary to redeem us ! And Jesus chose to bear our sins and die on the cross to redeem us and restore us to God's favor. Oh , that we could possobly emulate the love that God has for us !
   Romans 5:8 says , "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this . While we were still sinners , Christ died for us ," 
  Christ has shown us biblical love is what we do . Thank God for His everlasting love , thank God for Jesus and for eternal life through  Christ Jesus. And show the people around you some Christ like love . Pray for them and let them know  Christ is the only begotten  Son of God .He came from heaven to earth to shed His sinless blood on the Cross to free us from our sin , He waas buried , but rose on he third day-victorious over death , hell and grave.
What is your limit?

The bear came to prepare David to face the lion. 

The lion came to prepare David to face Goliath. 

Goliath came to prepare David to face Saul.

Saul came to prepare David for the throne.

God allows situations with a difficult appearance to transport us to larger places.

When we reach our limits, God comes with providence. 

The limit of Moses was the sea ... God split it in two. The limit of Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac ... God provided a Lamb. Hannah's limit was her sterility ... God gave her a son. 

The limit of Christ was death ... God raised him up. 

What is your limit? 

May God bless your life abundantly and that what is today your limit is tomorrow the instrument by which God will show you your miracle in your life. 

Do not look at your problem or the difficulties you live today as a limit, but as an opportunity for the manifestation of his glory in your life. Have a fruitful day and be powerfully blessed far beyond what you can imagine. 

God Bless You.
  And something more, Because He lives , we can live also! Hallelujah !
 Beloved be blessed of the Lord in Jesus name !
(2) Psalm 5:12 For thou , Lord , wilt bless the righteous : with favour wilt thou compass him with a shield. God's word is sure and is truth . Christ Jesus paid the full price for you at Calvary's cross. Favor follows you everywhere you go in Jesus mighty name ! Hallelujah ! Bless the Holy name of God in Jesus name !

(3) The Lord is my shepherd : I shall not want .Amen.

With ♥

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