Wednesday, 24 August 2016

God is good all the time. .!!!

A few months ago, my son received a special honor and privilege. At first thought, I was proud of him and thankful for his talent and keen intellect; however, the Holy Spirit interrupted my proud fatherly thoughts. He spoke to me and told me to tell my son that the special opportunity was a result of His great grace in my son's life. Yes, my son is talented and very smart, but even those gifts are a result of God's grace.

Exodus 11:3 says, "The Lord gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians. Furthermore, the man Moses himself was greatly esteemed in the land of Egypt."

When God looks upon His people with favor, He causes people to view them with favor as well. Favor is not a result of your goodness, nor does it in any way originate as a result of anything you have done. Gods favor is grace--undeserved favor. 

Pray for favor. Then, give God thanks and praise when you begin to see the evidence of His favor in your life. 

God is good!!!

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