Wednesday, 12 October 2016

The modern day Ruth

Did you know that you can take that place of pain and turn it into most precious intimate moments with your Heavenly Father? Your place of pain can be a setup for your biggest blessing. We don't always understand why we have to go through heartaches, trials, tears, and struggles, but His love is faithful to meet us there. He is with us. He does not leave us or forsake us. I think, for me, I have more compassion for those who have a broken heart or those who deal with sickness or debilitating pain.

I started this ministry in my most broken of times. My husband had left me to raise our kids on my own. He walked away from God and our marriage. Then, a year later, I was dating a guy who told me everything I longed to hear. A few months later he disappeared with no warning or explanation. I found out a week later he had left me for an old girlfriend. My heart was shattered to pieces. I remember the hours of crying and the tidal waves of emotion that felt impossible to survive. I imagined Him holding my hand, and I knew I had to ride those waves of was part of the process.

During that time, I remembered the scripture that says:

" When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze." Isaiah 43:2

His hands are not too short to reach down to the place of pain and heartache you are in.

"He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters." Psalms 18:16

Don't feel bad if you shed tears. It doesn't mean you are going backwards -it's part of the healing process. Let His love wrap you and hold you. Cling to Him and He will not let you drown. He is your life preserver. You will overcome this temporary season. You will overcome in Jesus' name. Your testimony is being developed into a love story. One of His love and redeeming grace. Your beauty will come from your ashes, Beloved. ~ Jenny Williams, A Modern Day Ruth, Copyright 2015

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