Friday 14 July 2017


We have so many things in life that we can handle with strong hands & they can withstand pressure and force. There are things that are so fragile in nature & anyone who wants to handle them must do so with every carefulness and tenderness. I saw a truck loaded with cartons of Indomie Noddles. Two guys were asked to move the cartons of Indomie from the truck into a shop. You need to see the throwing and catching prowess of these two guys. One was in the truck throwing the cartons to the one at the entrance of the shop and he was throwing it into the shop. The one in the truck can throw about 3 cartons at a go and the one in the shop will catch it so well. They can do it like that because the Indomie in the cartons are not fragile. They can't handle crates of egg like that when loading from a truck into a shop. It takes extra carefulness and tenderness, if not, it will break and that will amount to huge debt and wastages.

Friends, there are things we also must carry and handle with extra- carefulness because these things are fragile and once broken, it is not easy to put back together and once some of this things get broken, they can lead to huge damage and destiny wastage.

Let me mention 8 of those things you must carry /handle with carefulness as if you are carrying a crate of eggs.

1. Your Name: 

Your name is very important and fragile. There are names that stinks in the ears of people simply because, those who bear those names spoilt the name. The way to handle your name with carefulness​ is to be careful of your doings. Your actions can rubbish your name. A good name can open doors for you & for your children and generations after you. The Bible says ' A good name is better than precious ointment...' (Ecclesiastes 7:1). When your name is mentioned any way, like in your office, at home, on social media like Facebook, Twitter, IG, etc., what comes to people's mind? Carry your name with carefulness. It is a huge asset. Read one of the quotes written by Shakespeare:
'Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing;
'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands;
But he that filches from me my good name,
Robs me of that which not enriches him,
And makes me poor indeed'.

2: Your heart: 

Many hearts are broken, shattered, wounded and bitter today. One of the factors responsible for this is because many of these hearts' owners were careless with their hearts. You can guard your heart from being broken and bitter. Run away from people, and things that are bent on breaking your heart. Carry your heart like a crate of eggs. You need a whole heart before you can be said to be fully whole!

3. Your Wife: 

When you put too much pressure on your wife, you will break her. 'Likewise ye husbands, dwell with your wife according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel...' ( I Peter 3:7). Handle your wife with carefulness and tenderness. Let tenderness flow in your manliness. Don't be wicked to your wife. Carry her like a Queen. She is strong, powerful and wise, yet, she needs to be protected, cared for and handle like a crate of eggs. Treat her like that.

4: Your purpose: 

Your purpose is your destiny. If you don't handle it with utmost carefulness, it can slip off your hands and gaze and get broken. So many things can come like pressure on this crate of egg of purpose. Discouragement, lack of fund, delayed breakthrough, etc. These are things that may want to come like pressure on your purpose to break it. Don't allow them! Carry it with care. Carry your purpose away from people and things that may want to put pressure on it and break it.

5: Your health: 

You have only this body as a vehicle that will carry you through your journey of destiny in this life. Handle your health with carefulness. No matter how big your vision is, once you are dead, nobody can really run the vision like you! Fight for your health. Avoid things that can destroy your health. Wealth is useless when your health becomes useless. Don't kill yourself before your time. Do your best to stay alive. We still need you here. Don't use your fork and your spoon to dig your grave. Watch what you eat. Always pray for divine immunization against sickness and diseases.

6. Your Marriage:

 So many people handle their marriage like a carton of Indomie Noddle. Let me remind you sir/ma. Your marriage is fragile. Handle it like a crate of egg. It must not break! A broken marriage is not easily put back together, because, when a marriage breaks, many things get broken with it. Husband and wife, please, carry your marriage like an egg. It must not break!

7: Your words: 

Your worth is attached to your words. Be careful with words. Once broken, you can't gather it up again. Many people are careless with their words. They speak violently. They make empty promises and break it. Some say things they later wish they never said. Guard your words. Be careful with it.

8: Your eternity: 

Those who are running up and down to fulfill destiny here on Earth without thinking of their eternity are not wise! Hear what the Bible says 'Oh that they were wise, , that they understood this, they would have considered their latter end! (Duet. 32:29). Friends, the matter of eternity is not something you should handle with levity. Think about where you will spend eternity. You will die one day. I will also die one day. All that we are and have in this world are vanity upon vanity.

 Take the matter of your end very serious. Stop living carelessly as if you have extra life. Think about eternity. Don't live for the pleasure of this present moment alone. If you miss heaven, you cry!

You will not miss heaven, in Jesus mighty name.

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