Monday, 7 January 2019

The story about Old age Home

There was an old man. He was wealthy and living with son and daughter-in-law.

One day he became sick. He was hospialised. After few days he was taken home. His son engaged a nurse and a servant to look after him.

Initially his son and daughter-in-law used to to come to his room. Slowly, slowly they stopped coming to him. Old man was feelin very sad but he didn't say anything to anyone.

One day he just came out of his room and saw his son and daughter-in-law talking to each other.

Daughter-in-law said, "I think we should keep father in an old age home. There people will look after him. Here our son might be affected." The son nodded.

Old man after hearing the conversation felt very bad. He went back to his room.

In the evening the son came to his room and said, "I want to say something to you." Father said., "I too want to say something to you."

Son: OK. Go ahead.

Father: You know I am not keeping good health. I want to live rest of my life with people like me who are sick and none is there to look after them."

The son was very happy to hear this. But concealing his happiness he said, "What are you saying dad? What difficulties do you have living here?"

Father: No my son. I don't have any difficulty living here. But I am at pain to tell you that you please make your arrangement to live somewhere else. I have decided to convert my  bunglow into an Old Age Home where people like me can live with me."

Father: Oh. You also wanted to tell me something. What's that?"

There was a silence in the room.

🀩 Happiness 🎈

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