Thursday, 2 April 2020

*WHY YOU WORRY??* 🀭 *Everything* is NOT locked down

*Sunrise* is NOT locked down

*Love* is NOT locked down

*Family time* is NOT locked down

*Kindness* is NOT locked down

*Creativity* is NOT locked down

*Learning* is NOT locked down

*Conversation* is NOT locked down

*Imagination* is NOT locked down

*Reading* is NOT locked down

*Relationship* is NOT locked down

*Praying* is NOT locked down

*Meditation* is NOT locked down

*Sleeping* is NOT locked down

*Work from home* is NOT locked down

*Hope* is NOT locked down

*Cherish what you have.*

*Locked down is an opportunity to do what you always wanted to do.*

*MASK* is Better than *VENTILATOR*, 

*HOME* is better than *ICU,*

*PREVENTION* is better than *CURE*.

SO BE HAPPY and stay safe!!!

1 comment:

Raj balan said...

Super... Use this valuable time for your family and self innovating

🀩 Happiness 🎈

  A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The teacher then mix...