Monday, 8 June 2020

Answer to the Prayer !! Renewal story

*This story touched me a lot, and I want to share it with you.*

*The theme was: HOLD ON TO CHRIST:*

*A Pastor was ministering in a remote area where he had to trek each Sunday for 4 hours through thick forest, and to make it on time, he had to start travelling on foot from 4:00 am.* 

*One Sunday morning, as the Pastor was in the midst of the forest, thunder announced rains. He knelt down and prayed to God to hold the rains back until he reached the parish and to protect his pastoral vestments, his Bible and communion. But after prayer, the rains started pouring heavily. He reached the parish badly soacked by the rains. He preached but with discouragement because to him, God had not answered  his prayers.*

*Back home, he could not even eat. He was contemplating whether to resign or continue because he could no longer serve a God who does not answer prayers. He believed his prayers were not effective and did not match  his preaching.*

*While he was reflecting on the decision to take, three young men entered his home and said to him: "Pastor, we came to testify and assure u that you should continue serving your God for He is a living God."*

*The pastor changed his attitude and was eager to know more. They showed him money and told him they'd been paid to kill him because his prayers and preachings were disturbing the witches, wizards, sorcerers and occultists in this community.*

*That they were in the forest waiting for him to shoot him when from nowhere and in the midst of the dry season, heavy rains started pouring and wet the gun powder they were to use. They were shocked by this event. They were holding guns in their hands as they watched the pastor pass them with no power to accomplish their awful mission.*

*After hearing this, the Pastor knelt down, thanked God and committed to serve Him for the rest of his life and said, he has a God that will never fail him.*

*Do you have a God that always answers your prayers the way you want?*

*Draw your own lesson. The truth is: GOD ANSWERS PRAYER.*

*Be blessed and Hold on to Christ. Share this if you were touched and inspired like I just did.*  


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