Thursday, 10 September 2020

World suicide prevention day


Bright and determined, Ahila’s* biggest concern was to pass her 10th standard exams with good marks. Then came lockdown. Her father’s petty shop was forced to shut. To survive, the family borrowed money. Lockdown stretched on, and their debt grew.


Threatened by the money lender, her father tried to work keeping the shop open, but was arrested twice. Without money, feeling completely hopeless and helpless the family decided to end their lives. Ahila, her two little sisters and her parents all took rat killer poison, hoping their worries would be over. Instead they became extremely sick. After two days they came to CMC. By now Ahila was in a coma and one sister died in another hospital. 

The parents, and her second sister began to recover. But Ahila had acute liver failure. CMC’s Hepatology team saved her life with a new treatment: Plasma Exchange (PLEX). They gave the first cycle while Ahila was still unconscious. After a few days, her parents were asked to talk to her. Ahila opened her eyes briefly and then tears rolled down her closed eyes, the first sign that she was going to be okay.


Helping Hands, Hope Dawns

Soon Ahila was completely out of the coma. The Hepatology Department raised funds to take care of the family’s debt. Another group offered to pay for Ahila’s tuition fees. She went on to complete her exams with first class. When we met her, she said confidently, “I am going to build houses for the poor when I grow up!”

Attempting suicide can make things worse. Ahila’s mother told us, “I never knew how harmful the decision to take our lives was. We lost one daughter and almost lost Ahila”.

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. Be aware of those around you. Take a minute and reach out to someone. You could change the course of their life.


Warm regards

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