Saturday, 28 November 2020

Sets of people in our lives


No human being is an island and no tree can make a forest. You need the following sets of people in your life.

1. *THE ENCOURAGERS* - even in discouraging situations of life, these people keep you going with encouraging words; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

2. *THE HAND LIFTERS* - They are those whose hands are strong enough to hold yours up when you are weak; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

3. *DESTINY HELPERS* - They provide shoulders upon which you ride to fulfilling your dream and destiny; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

4. *The GIVERS* - these ones will give you their time, talent, and treasure in your hour of need;


5. *THE RECOMMENDERS* - these are the ones who mention your name in quarters where your skills and talents will be celebrated; MAY YOU MEET THEM.

6. *The CORRECTORS* - these are the ones who honestly tell you when you are wrong; they prevent you from digging a grave of mistakes that may bury your destiny; MAY YOU MEET


7. *THE BURDEN BEARERS*: These are those that are ever willing to wipe away tears from your eyes and help you to overcome any loss, crisis or challenge. MAY YOU MEET THEM.

# Nurture every positive relationship in your life because each good person that comes into your life has a major role to play in your life.

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