Sunday, 6 March 2022

Be watchful and vigilant!!



It wasn't a mighty giant

that made King David fall,

It was just a little housewife

bathing beyond a wall... I.Sam.11:1-4. *Run away from lustful desires.*

It wasn't an army of warriors

that brought the mighty Samson down;

A few of Delilah's tricky tears

reduced the leader to nothing. Judges.16:19-21. *Run away from the spirit of deception.*

Peter boasted of devotion

beyond the shadow of a doubt,

It took a little servant girl by the take his fire out. Lk.22:55-61. *Be careful of your emotional spirit.* 

Eve's one bite of the fruit,

One backward look from Mrs Lot...

Satan's baits are tremendously tiny,

But they hide a deadly hook. Gen.3:6. Gen.19:26 *Check your disobedient spirit.*

Little foxes of gossip, impatience, anger...

Destroy your vines in a day;

Few dead flies in a perfume jar,......Yet we must throw it all away. 😫Eccl.10:1. *Run away from the sin easily beset you*

The little greed of Mr & Mrs Ananias cost their death. Act.5:1-10.  *Check up your greedy spirit, let it not strip your life.*

Little love of money in the heart of Judas Iscariot stripped him of his glorious ministry. Act.1:16-20. *Check up your motive of doing God's work.*

A little pride made Lucifer  lose the heavenly glorious position forever. Isa.14:12-15.  *Pride is a cancer, run away from it.*

So pay attention to the little things,

And be vigilant in this fight;

That roaring lion, the Satan, who seeks to devour,

Comes purring as an Angel of light. I.Pet.5:8-9

*Be watchful and vigilant πŸ‘πŸ»

🀩 Happiness 🎈

  A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The teacher then mix...