Monday, 31 August 2015


"In every class ! ! V hav

One frnd who is always attentive in clss having d best notes ! ! ! !

One frnd who is physically present mentally absent ! ! ! !

One who always asks silly doubts n entertains the entire class ! ! ! ! 

One who always comes late running after the professor entry !!!!

One who runs a canteen under her desk and sends chocolates during clss !! ! ! !

One who gets called by their nick name tat v forget tere original name ! ! ! !

One who keeps humming songs as loud until the faculty hears it n sends them out ! ! 

One who always forgets to put their mobile in silent mode
n visits d Hod !!!!!!
running for their phones !! ! !

Tere is one girl in a class who can easily talk to every boy in class and
one boy who can easily interact with every girl in clss

One person who never talks with anyone n v will think he or she is dumb

One musician who always wandering around the campus with an instrument ! ! !

one who always amuses u with their riddles , short stories etc 

One frnd who accompanying u were ever u go even to d restroom !!!!!!

One frnd who cries tat definite fail after every exam but comes out with 99*/*

One frnd who never comes out of class even in break !!!!!

One frnd who laughs like a monster tat d whole clss turns around when ever he or she laughs ! ! ! 

One who eats lik a elephant but still bony !!
Another who eats nothing but stilllllll an elephant !!!!!!

One who is always found online whenever you loggin ! ! !

One always keeps annoying u with someone else ! ! 

One promising Usain bolt who comes running into d labs last minute !!!

One who always forgets to bring record , observation , etc etc 

One who throws pens on u during clsss n gives an Oscar acting when you turn towards them !!!!

One who fights with you for no reason !!!!!

One who regularly drops u at home

One who always ready to give money at times !!! 

One who asks d entire clss lik which actor he or she looks alike !!!!!

During lecture one turns to u n laughs relating u to d lecture ! ! !

Dedicating this  to all ma College mates..!!!



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