Sunday, 29 August 2021

Emotional Intelligence

A car ahead was moving like a turtle and not giving me way inspite of my continuous honking!   I was on brink of losing my cool when I noticed the small sticker on the car’s rear!

“Physically challenged; Please be patient.”

And that changed everything!! 

I immediately went calm & slowed down!! 

In fact, I got a little protective of the car & the driver!!! 

I reached home a few minutes late, but it was ok!

And then it struck me.  

Would I have been patient if there was no sticker?

Why do we need stickers to be patient with people!?

Will we be more patient & kind with others if people had labels pasted on their foreheads?

Labels like —

“ Lost my job” , 

“Fighting cancer”, 

“Going through a bad divorce”,

“Suffering Emotional abuse",

"Lost a loved one”,

“Feeling worthless”,

“Financially broken”,

....and more like these!!

Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about. 

The least we can do is to be patient, kind & compassionate.

*Let us respect the Invisible Labels !!*

Knowing each is carrying multiple ones.

Thursday, 19 August 2021



After the attacks of September 11, a company that had its offices at the World Trade Center invited its executives and employees who had for some reason survived the attack to share their experiences.

People were alive for the smallest reasons were small details like these:

- The director of a company was late because it was his son's first kindergarten day;

- A woman was delayed because her alarm clock didn't ring in time;

- One was late because he was stuck on the road where there was an accident;

- Another survivor missed the bus;

- Someone threw food on themselves and needed the time to change;

- One had a problem with his car, which did not start;

- Another one returned to answer the phone;

- Another one had a baby!

- Another didn't get a taxi.

- But the story that impressed the most was that of a man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning, and before he got to work he had a blister. He stopped at the pharmacy for a band aid and that's why he's alive today.

- Now when I get stuck in traffic; - when I lose an elevator;

- when I return to answering a phone;

And many other things that desperate me, I think first:

′′ This is the exact place you should be right now "...

- Next time your morning seems crazy, the kids take time to get dressed, don't find the car keys, find all the red lights...

- don't get angry or frustrated.



Tuesday, 3 August 2021



*_Have you noticed that a bronze medalist is generally happier than a silver medalist at the end of the game._*

*_Its not incidental finding but proven fact in many research studies after studying reactions of silver medalists vs bronze medalists!_* 

*_Ideally, a silver medalist should be more happy than the bronze. But, human mind doesn't work like mathematics._* 

*_This happens because of phenomenon of counterfactual thinking._* 

*_A concept in psychology in which there is human tendency to create possible alternatives to life events that have already happened, that would be contrary to what happened._*

*_Sliver medalist thinks, "Oh I couldn't win the gold medal." Bronze medalist thinks, "At least I got a medal."_*

*_Silver medal is won after losing, but Bronze medal is won after Winning._*

*_This happens in our life also, we don't appreciate what we have but feel sad with what we don't have.  Our blessings far outweigh our problems._*

🀩 Happiness 🎈

  A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The teacher then mix...