Tuesday 3 August 2021



*_Have you noticed that a bronze medalist is generally happier than a silver medalist at the end of the game._*

*_Its not incidental finding but proven fact in many research studies after studying reactions of silver medalists vs bronze medalists!_* 

*_Ideally, a silver medalist should be more happy than the bronze. But, human mind doesn't work like mathematics._* 

*_This happens because of phenomenon of counterfactual thinking._* 

*_A concept in psychology in which there is human tendency to create possible alternatives to life events that have already happened, that would be contrary to what happened._*

*_Sliver medalist thinks, "Oh I couldn't win the gold medal." Bronze medalist thinks, "At least I got a medal."_*

*_Silver medal is won after losing, but Bronze medal is won after Winning._*

*_This happens in our life also, we don't appreciate what we have but feel sad with what we don't have.  Our blessings far outweigh our problems._*

1 comment:

Maurice W. Armstrong said...

Be confident of the very thing, that he who hath begun this good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6).

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧Waiting- hurts ☹

  The fate of parents is to wait for their children. They wait during pregnancy, they wait after school, they wait for them to return home a...